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Gonzalo, Alcalá and Elena
Photo by ThomasThomas

March 14th, 1879 - April 18th, 1955

Photo by Luma Pimentel

German mathematician and physicist who developed the special end general theories of relativity

Photo by fdecomite

In 1921 he won the Nobel Prize of physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effects

He immigrated to the US after being targeted by the Nazis

Photo by Andrew Oliver

His work had a major impact on the development of atomic energy

Photo by TonZ

He asserted the equivalence of mass and energy

He challenged the wave theory of light, suggesting that light could also be regarded as collection of particles

Photo by jenny downing

He showed how to calculate Avogadro’s number and the size of the molecules

In 1929 he won the Max Planck Medal

In 1936 he was awarded the Franklin Institute’s Franklin Medal for his work on relativity

Photo by neistridlar

Thomas Harvey kept his brain so he could study it without permission

Her mother was a pianist and she took Einstein to violin courses when he was 6 years old

After he separated from his first wife, he married his cousin

His eyes are kept in a safe box in New York City

He began to speak until he was 4 years old

Photo by edmittance