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Published on Dec 08, 2015

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By Conner Smith

Things I already Knew

  • many types of breeds
  • different stages
  • different colors
  • different time lines
  • different lengths
Photo by .sandhu

5 new things

  • dogs need to run a whole lot
  • some dogs are almost immune to cold
  • some are like cats
  • dog's nose contains 220 million smell sensitive nose cells
  • racing dogs were real
Photo by sabianmaggy

vocabulary words

  • phosphorus;type of mineral dogs need
  • adequately;sufficient for a specific requiarment
  • vulnerable;capable of being emotionally wounded
  • receptive;able or inclined to recieve
  • domestic;living near human habitayions
  • pedigree;a line of ancestors

Fun Facts

  • One dog lost his master in India and went all the back to Oregon just to see him.
  • Dogs have true earned the name humans best freind.
  • Smaller breeds are harder to tack care of.


  • Great Danes are very aggressive/ (text says) Great Danes are very sweet if you train it right.
  • must are the hardest dog to train/ must are one of the easiest dogs to train
  • bull dogs are very pesky/ bull dogs don't do a lot more than sleep
Photo by halfrain

I would recommend this book to people who are not effected by different peoples opinions. I would also recommend it to people who love DOGS!!!!!!