During the Second Temple period, when the Hellenic kings decreed decrees upon Israel, and sought to nullify their religion, and they did not allow them to immerse in Torah and in commandments. And they reached out their hands against their money and their daughters, and they entered the shrine, and put in there idols, and defiled that which was pure. And was Israel was distressed because of them, and oppressed them greatly until the God of their ancestors had compassion on them, and saved them from their hands, and rescued them, and the Hasmoneans, the High Priests, overcame and killed them, and saved Israel from their hand, and set up a king from among the Priests, and brought back kingship to Israel for more than two hundred years until the destruction of the Second Temple. - Maimonides
When the Jews overcame their enemies and won the military battle on the 25th day of Kislev, they entered the sanctuary of the Temple and found only one flask of pure oil. That flask only contained enough oil to burn for one day but it remained lit for eight full days, until fresh olives were crushed into pure oil. Because of this, the Sages of that same generation established that these eight days which begin on the 25th of Kislev [would be] days of joy, and singing-praise, and would light lights on them in the evening at the entrances of their houses every night of the eight nights, to show and reveal the miracle. And these days are called Hanukkah (lit. Dedication), and on then it is forbidden to eulogize, and to fast, like the days of Purim.
Following the conquest of Judea by Alexander the Great, it became part of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt until 200 BCE, when King Antiochus III the Great of Syria defeated King Ptolemy V Epiphanes of Egypt at the Battle of Panion. Judea became at that moment part of the Seleucid empire of Syria. When the Second Temple in Jerusalem was looted and its religious services stopped, Judaism was effectively outlawed. In 167 BCE, Antiochus IV Epiphanes ordered an altar to Zeus erected in the Temple. He also banned circumcision and ordered pigs to be sacrificed at the altar of the Temple.
When the Second Temple in Jerusalem was looted and its religious services stopped, Judaism was effectively outlawed. In 167 BCE, Antiochus IV Epiphanes ordered an altar to Zeus erected in the Temple. He also banned circumcision and ordered pigs to be sacrificed at the altar of the Temple.
10 When the builders had laid the foundation of the Temple of the LORD, priests in their vestments with trumpets, and Levites sons of Asaph with cymbals were stationed to give praise to the LORD, as King David of Israel had ordained.
11 They sang songs extolling and praising the LORD, “For He is good, His steadfast love for Israel is eternal.” All the people raised a great shout extolling the LORD because the foundation of the House of the LORD had been laid.
12 Many of the priests and Levites and the chiefs of the clans, the old men who had seen the first house, wept loudly at the sight of the founding of this house. Many others shouted joyously at the top of their voices.
13 The people could not distinguish the shouts of joy from the people’s weeping, for the people raised a great shout, the sound of which could be heard from afar.
2 Speak to Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, the governor of Judah, and to the high priest Joshua son of Jehozadak, and to the rest of the people:
3 Who is there left among you who saw this House in its former splendor? How does it look to you now? It must seem like nothing to you. 4 But be strong, O Zerubbabel—says the LORD—be strong, O high priest Joshua son of Jehozadak; be strong, all you people of the land—says the LORD—and act! For I am with you—says the LORD of Hosts.
5 So I promised you when you came out of Egypt, and My spirit is still in your midst. Fear not!
6 For thus said the LORD of Hosts: In just a little while longer I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land; 7 I will shake all the nations. And the precious things of all the nations shall come here, and I will fill this House with glory, said the LORD of Hosts.
ועל פי זה נראה לפרש שם חנוכה גם כן על ההתחדשות, כי היו תחת יד מלכות יון בגלות, וכל ד' מלכיות הם בהטבע וגשמיות, וכתיב אין כל חדש תחת השמש, אבל בנס שהוא למעלה מן הטבע ממילא בא התחדשות. וזה חינוך והתחדשות כנ"ל. ובאמת כל גלות הוא רק כדי להיות תמיד ההתחדשות... ולכך אחר שיצאו ממלכות יון נתחדש אצלם מלכות שמים מחדש, ויצאו מן הרגילות והטבע כנ"ל. והנס מסייע בימי חנוכה להביא הארה ממה שלמעלה כנ"ל