Film Trailers Purpose: Film trailers are designed to advertise an upcoming film to audiences. Over time film trailers have become more advanced such as the special effects used and they are more engaging and suspenseful. There are two trailer types which are teaser trailers and theatrical which both promote everything about the film.
The Effects Model (Croteau/Hoynes,1997): The effects model is consuming media texts that has an effect or influence on the audience. The effect is considered to be negative and the audiences are passive and powerless to prevent the influence. The power is within the message of the text and media messages are injected into the audience and they are powerless to resist. This is how this effects model links to the hypodermic needle theory.
With the effects model the media works like a drug and the audience becomes addicted and easily influenced. Therefore, when looking into media sources the effects model is the dominant model for attributing violence in society to the consumption of media texts. This is due to the fact people believe that their is a relationship between what is seen/read and what occurs in daily living.
The Uses and Gratifications Model (Blumler and Katz): This is the opposite of the effects model. It involves having active audiences and the text is used by the audience for gratification and pleasure. In this case the audience has the power and they are not weak. The audience has the freedom to reject, use or play with the meaning of the text however they see fit.
My trailer (Robocop): With this film trailer the theory that can most apply is the effects model as the film focuses on how one man can have so much power to combat badness. The audience would then feel weaker and powerless in its presence which is what the effects model aims at.