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Alkaline Earth Metals

Published on May 09, 2019

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Alkaline Earth Metals

Haley Greig

Elements in this group

  • beryllium
  • magnesium
  • calcium
  • strontium
  • barium
  • radium


  • Alkaline earth metals used to only be calcium, strontium, and barium.
  • There are six chemical elements in this group,
  • They all burn with different color flames.

real world

  • beryllium can be found in emeralds.
  • Magnesium is used in flares and was used during war.
  • Calcium helps remove impurities from steel.


Photo by ahoehler

Grayish white, a tough metal, burns with a very bright light, very important for plant and animal life.

Photo by Paul's Lab


  • 12
  • 24.305
  • Alkaline earth metal
  • float

1. Is used in fertilizers. 2. they're in mineral supplements 3. They're used in flares.


  • in every green plant there is a magnesium ion.
  • Magnesium is essential for life.
  • We need magnesium in our diets to sleep correctly.


  • Was discovered as an element in 1755.
  • Joseph Black discovered magnesium.