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Unit 6B

Published on Jul 12, 2019

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Peace Corps
American Volunteer program created by JFK to provide aid to third world countries

Job Corps
A program seeking to teach young Americans the necessitates to sustain a job

Cuban Missile Crisis
The closest the USSR and US have ever come to nuclear war

Berlin Wall
A physical barrier dividing West and East Berlin becoming a symbol of the Cold War

Great Society
A series of legislative initiatives that addressed issues such as civil rights, education, and poverty

This provided hospital insurance and low cost medical care to the elderly and benefits for the poor

US Space Organization that sent the first man to the moon in the 1969

Immigration Act 1965
This act would end quotas on immigration that had been in place since the 20s leading to an increase of ethnic diversity in America

Montgomery Bus Boycotts
Boycotts led on the transportation sparked by Rosa Park's arrest led by MLK Jr

Brown v Board of Education
When the Supreme Court ruled segregated schooling illegal violating the amendments

24th Amendment
Would eradicate poll taxes that African Americans would be forced to pay to vote

Civil Rights Act 1964
Addressed major issues in the 60s such as civil rights of African Americans

Voting Rights Act 1965
Act which would increase voting opportunities for African Americans

UC vs Bakke
Court Case that reviewed thepolicy of affirmative action

Feminine Mystique
A book written by Betty Friedan which would spark the Women's Liberation Movement

United Farm Workers
Organization that fought for higher wages and better conditions Hispanic migrant workers

American Indian Movement
Native American movement where they protested for more tribal rights

Warren Court
Court ran by a judge who would fight for African American rights

Plessy v Ferguson
Court case that legalized segregation and Jim Crow laws in the south claiming "separate but equal"

Much of the Civil Rights Movement was organized through this organization

Non-violent tactic used by college students to attempt to desegregate restaurants

Churches supported the Civil Rights movement especially African American ones

This would be essential in the Civil Rights movement in spreading the horrors and pain brought upon non-violent protesters