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MAT 6310 August

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  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
  • EHA in 1975 changed to IDEA in 1990
  • For children with disabilities
  • Ensures children with disabilities are provided a free and appropriate public education to prepare them for further education and/or life as an adult.
  • Prior to IDEA many children were denied entry to public schools or not given adequate support in schools.


  • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
  • Covers all students/people in education programs/ educational institutions receiving federal financial assistance.
  • Protects people from discrimination based on gender.
  • Ensures that no person be denied or excluded from the benefits of any educational program or activity based on their sex.
  • Most institutions self-regulate with guidance provided by the Office of Civil Rights.


  • Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act of 1988
  • Focuses resources on Identifying and serving students underrepresented in GT programs (economically challenged, ELL and disabled)
  • Encouraging the development of equal educational opportunities for all students.


  • Title I of the Elementary Act of 1965
  • Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged
  • Ensures that all children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and become proficient in academic achievement standards.
  • Provides disadvantaged schools the support needed to improve the education of their populations thereby improving communities overall.


  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 & 1974
  • Covers qualified students with disabilities.
  • Protects the rights of individuals with disabilities in institutions that receive federal financial assistance.
  • Requires schools to provide a free and appropriate public education to qualified students with disabilities.


  • 414 U.S. 563 of 1974
  • Known as Lau v. Nichols, the Supreme Court held that the San Francisco School District violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act by failing to provide programs designed for students with deficiencies in English Language (do not speak or understand English).
  • Set precedent that schools must provide programs / bilingual education for English Language Learners
  • Basic English skills are at the core of what public schools teach and those who do not understand English their public school experiences would be no way meaningful without bilingual programs.