- Soft, elongate body tapering towards the abdomen and covered with silvery-grey scales
Small compound eyes, some species are eyeles
3 long abdominal cerci
- Wingless
- Less than 20mm
- Silver fish- like cold damp places, mostly basements or any dark area
- Firebats-like warm or humid places, mostly outdoors
Over 370 around the world
Only 18 found in North America
Thysanura have no metamorphosis.
They are found world wide, but mostly found in North America and Australia. Even though silver fish enjoy being indoors, when they are outside they are under large rocks or in a hollowed log.
- Silver fish are insect eating organisms but can go up to a year without eating. They live in spaces with 60-70 degrees farenheght, but usually live in houses in places such as, basements, walls or bookshelves. Female silverfish reproduce throughout the year and can lay over 100 eggs. When mating the male silverfish will do a dance to attract the female.
Thysanura comes from the Greek language. Thysan meaning bristle and ura meaning tail.
Bristle tail.