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"Good teachers in every subject will adjust their teaching based upon what students know at each point."

Two Types of Assessment

  • Formative Assessment is done as students are learning.
  • Summative Assessment is at the end.

"Good formative assessment removes the public embarrassment of public hand raising and gives teachers feedback."


  • Fun quick quizzes
  • Turn games into quizzes
  • Automatically divided up into teams
  • Percentages
ex. space race

teams are color coded, learners are already aware


  • Fun quizzes
  • Computers, cell phones & other devices
  • Create flashcards
  • Embed videos
  • Nicknames
embed videos for the teaching process

nicknames serve as a disadvantage because you won't get the chance to see who is struggling

"Qualitative Formative Assessment is the ongoing awareness, understanding, and support of learning that is difficult or impossible to quantify."

Learners' should..

  • be able to use wherever he or she is to document learning
  • making qualitative formative assessment more accessible

Making Photos

Take pictures
if every learner was to take a picture


Screenshot whatever is happening on your screen


  • iOS (Home + Sleep) Mac (Command + Shift + 3) Chromebook (Control + Window Switcher) Android (Volume Down + Power for 2 seconds) Windows (PrntScren and then Ctrl + V)

"Gradually release control of and responsibility for learning of students."

Google Docs & Wiki Spaces

  • Allow for you to insert comments directly in the margins of students' writing

Feedback is essential to students growth and learning.

active steps to advance their own learning


  • Elevate
  • Suggest
  • Inquire
  • Reflect
Provide meaningful feedback to learners and colleagues


recall, ponder


Seek information and provides ideas through questioning 


Introduce ideas for improvement for current interaction


Raise to a higher degree or purpose in future interactions

In the classroom..

  • The sooner the students receive the feedback, the better
  • Set goals
  • Involve learners

Present feedback carefully

When learners feel too strictly monitored they may disengage from learning.

When learners interpret feedback as an attempt to control them.

When students feel the sense of a competition.

Let go of polish and "final" drafts.

Shift away from final products and toward cumulative and cyclical iterations of learning. The process is the product.

Have a system for artifacts.

A book. A website. A file repository (like Dropbox or Google Drive). Use whatever already works for you. . . or find a new system that works better.

Provide access to any number and type of mobile technologies

While a 1:1 (standard device or BYOD) would certainly make this process accessible, it could also be achieved with a single smartphone.

Find intrinsic value in the process

The authoritative agent has to recognize and value the process afforded by the QFAT. For someone with a much different definition of teaching, learning, and assessment, this way of thinking will feel like "more work."


  • Students like to feel that their instructors are interested in what they say and how they say it


  • Screencasts allow an instructor to “talk through” a paper with a student by creating a video that scrolls through the student’s paper online while recording the instructor’s audio comments about the paper



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