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Tweetchat favourite quotes

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Here´s a compilation of my favourite quotes during one #whatisschool tweetchat.


Tweetchat favourite quotes


Tech is a tool, not a learning outcome.

Rusul Alrubail

Let´s not forget that tech should cultivate something we didn´t grow with traditional methods,
David García

Being connected opens the door to a world of learning and sharing.
Jerry Blumengarten
aka cybraryman1

If they can google the answer we aren´t getting them to think.
Jennifer Goodson

Spoonfeeding merely teaches the child the shape of the spoon. Exploration, curiosity and learning are enhanced with tech tools.
Steve Sherman

(By connecting we teach our students)similarities despite distance - see that we're more alike than different really.Erin

Skype has changed our classes. They are able to reach out to places all over the world.
Forest Isaac Jones

Aha Moment 2: It's the Mindset that matters. Love the Growth Mindset that's in abundance on twitter.
Greg Curran

Twitter -for me- reinforces fact there are passionate, giving people out there | antidote to doom+gloom #whatisschool” Yes!
Cathy Beach


  • @mrkempnz, Craig Kemp
  • @candylandcaper, Laura Hill
  • Haiku Deck by @mariacolussa, Maria Colussa