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Slide Notes

This Haiku Deck "How To" presentation template was created using the Picaresque theme, image filters on.

More about Haiku Deck themes: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-templates-with-pizzazz/
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Simple, beautiful, flexible presentation template to share a collection of inspirational quotes. Ideas: embed in blog or website, upload to Slideshare, pin individual slides to Pinterest.


I respect him

This Haiku Deck "How To" presentation template was created using the Picaresque theme, image filters on.

More about Haiku Deck themes: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-templates-with-pizzazz/
Photo by akira yamada


play style
This is a great place to use Haiku Deck's integrated Creative Commons image search:


If your quote is long, you'll either want to use a fairly abstract image for the background (be sure to turn the text background screen on for readability)...

He has a lot of awards

For short quotes, the standard two-line format works perfectly. You can either stretch the quote across the two lines, or use the first line for the quote and the second line for the speech title or the date.

He looks like Mario

You can close with a recommendation for more information or inspiration, including more detail and links in the Notes if needed.

More about Haiku Deck Notes:

Have a great example of a Haiku Deck collection of inspirational quotes? Be sure to share it with us at gallery@haikudeck.com!

He looks like Mario

...or a solid-color background, like this.

"Medium inspiring quote, perhaps 10 to 12 words long."

If your quote is a big longer, you can use a multiline slide layout. More about that here: http://blog.haikudeck.com/new-text-and-layout-options/

Untitled Slide

Untitled Slide