a nation in flux #10

Published on Jul 06, 2016

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a nation in flux #10

Philosophy, grammar and the rise of spain

the 10th century

Photo by pigpogm


  • Sura and Pumpedisa relocate to Bagdad
  • For lack of scholars in Bavel, a non-babylonian is appointed Gaon - Rav Saadya Gaon
Photo by alex012

Rav Saadya Gaon

  • Born in 882, known as Al-Fayumi
  • Left Egypt to learn in Israel, became known as a serious scholars
  • By 20, wrote a dictionary with rules of Hebrew grammar
  • Traveled for a number of years

back in egypt

  • Took on the Karaites, and weakened their political power
  • Wrote a commentary on Chumash that linked written and Oral Torah

The Calendar COntroversy of 922

  • In Israel, leaders wished to assert prominence in the Jewish world.
  • 922 Rabbi Aharon ben Meir says Pesach is on Sunday.
  • Gaonim say it's on Tuesday.
  • The debate was not resolved.
Photo by srgpicker

Rav Saadya's polemics

  • Sided with the Jews of Bavel
  • Went public with his research and earned public fame, eventually becoming the Gaon in Sura.
  • Three years in, Rav Saadya disagrees with RG David Ben Zakai on a complicated monetary decision.
Photo by meironke


  • RG's son, Yehuda gets physical with Rav Saadya, and get thrown into the street.
  • Rav Saadya proclaims the RG unfit to rule, puts him in Cherem and appoints his brother as RG.
  • RG fires Rav Saadya, and appoints Rav Yosef.
  • Caliph sides with RG and Rav Saadya flees.

In exile

  • Caliph sides with RG and Rav Saadya flees.
  • In exile, he writes Sefer Emunot v'Deot
  • "What makes us a nation is the Torah."
  • It was the first systematized work of philosophy.
  • Sura closes in 940's

The mesora of torah

  • Ben Naftali vs Ben Asher
  • Some 700 differences
  • Almost all are vowels.
  • A few are letters.
  • None change the meaning.
Photo by bartek.langer

The Allepo Codex

  • Ben Asher's text became known as the Keter Aram Tzovah.
  • Rambam writes that this is the authoritative text.
  • Ben Asher writes a book of grammar.
Photo by bartek.langer

Donash ibn labrat

  • Dror Yikra's author
  • Student of Rav Saadya - argues extensively
  • Poet Jewish and Secular
  • Added Arabic meter to Jewish poems.


  • Menachem ibn Saruk (Machberet) - quoted by Rashi regularly
  • Does Hebrew have 3 letter roots?
  • Menachem's possible Karaite interpretations.

Ibn Hayyun

  • Proved the notion of 3 letter roots. But this is still somewhat contentious.
  • Rabbeinu Tam and Rabbi Kimchi debated this in the 13th century.
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Rav chisdai ibn Shaprut

  • 915CE - 990CE A renaissance man. Physician, diplomat, grammarian.
  • Established the community in Cordoba.
  • How?
Photo by fusky

The 4 captives

  • 960 CE - 4 Rabbis set sail from Italy
  • Pirates sieze the ship, and offered them for ransom along their way.
  • Rav Chushiel in Kairouan. His son was Rabbeinu Channanel
  • Rav Shmarya in Cairo
  • Rav Nasan HaBavli to France
Photo by ZeroOne


  • Rav Moshe ben Chanoch, who's son Chanoch was ransomed as well by Cordoba.
  • Sat in the Shiur of the Dayan of Cordoba, and answered all the questions.
  • Rav Nasan, the Dayan resigned, and appointed Rav Moshe
  • The pirate petitioned the Caliph to recoup the money
Photo by marcp_dmoz

Chananya ibn hayyun

  • The pirate petitioned the Caliph to recoup the money
  • The pirate petitioned the Caliph to recoup the money
  • Ibn Hayyun told the Caliph that Jews of Spain will be more loyal if they have their own leadership and the Caliph agreed.
  • Rav Moshe established a Yeshiva, succeeded by Chanoch, and the Golden age of Spanish Jewry.

Spanish Judaism

  • As Spain rose, Bavel declined.
  • Money was not as available due to new Spanish Yeshivos.
  • Umayyads made Bavel more dangerous. Pumpedisa begins it's serious decline.
Photo by anieto2k

Rav Sherira Gaon

  • The only dynasty of the century in Pumpedisa.
  • Succeeded by Rav Hai Gaon.
  • Rav Sherira revived the Yarchei Kallah.
  • 987CE - Wrote the Igeres Rav Sherira Gaon, the history of Oral Torah.
  • Lived for 100 years, and died mysteriously.

the end of the Gaonim

  • Rav Sherira ruled for 32 years, Rav Hai for 40 years.
  • This concluded the end of the Gaonim.
Photo by ᗩ.ᒍ ღ


  • Yehuda ben Meir Sir Leontin establishes a Yeshiva in Mainz, later the Rebbe of Rabbeinu Gershom.
  • Rav Meshulem ben Kaloniyum and Rav Amnon also live in the Rhinelands
  • Western Europe begins to develop questions are sent to Ramla.
Photo by Werner Kunz

Rav Shimon Ben Yitzchak

  • His son, Elchanan was kidnapped, baptized and raised Catholic
  • Elchanan became the Pope
  • His father needed an audience with the Pope on behalf of the Jewish people.
  • The Pope beat Rav Shimon in a game of Chess.
  • They both realized who they were.

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Rael Blumenthal

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