Beautiful Balance

Published on Jul 05, 2018

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Beautiful Balance

Module 6

Luke 10:38-42
Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”

According to WebMD “Physical responses to stress involve your immune system, your heart & blood vessels, and how certain glands in your body secrete hormones. These hormones help to regulate various functions in your body, such as brain function and nerve impulses.”

Just as David did when he was up against Goliath, we must be able to quickly find our smooth stones when dealing with adversity, stress, and challenges in our life.

Pastor Krishnan spoke about how he likes things nice and tidy, but his wife and kids don’t appreciate this like he does. Therefore, when he would come home after a long day of work and walk into a messy house he would get very angry and start taking it out on his family members.

Finally he decided to find a nice smooth stone to help prepare him for facing this situation more effectively. He found a helpful verse, wrote it on a note card and before entering the home would read it and soon memorized it.

James 1 19-20 “…be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.”

Photo by Aaron Burden

During the day, when are you most likely to be stressed or angry?

What about other areas of your life, maybe things that don’t happen every day... entertaining, going out, or working on a major project?

List anything else that causes you to be stressed or angry, but doesn’t happen consistently.

Photo by rawpixel

Let’s get back to nutrition... do any of these situations cause you to also reach for foods that are doing harm to your immune system?

Photo by Thomas Kelley

Your activity in this section of Module 6 is to find your smooth stones for each of these areas of your life where you need help from above. As the sermon title implies, when we try to go it alone we feel the full force of nothing! But, with God by our side nothing is impossible!

Photo by Flo P

Choose your smooth stone(s) for anxiety filled areas of your life. Take time with this process. Mull it over, google search it if you need to, but also let the verses flow in naturally and come back to it in a few days as well. Do not submit this immediately let it really sink in and be in prayerful meditation over it.

Photo by revger

2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV)

"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. "

Photo by Al_HikesAZ

How do you know when you’ve achieved balance?

What are some of the things that create joy in your life, things that you know represent the achievement of balance?

Photo by RelaxingMusic

The first book I was required to read while pursuing my nutritionist certification was by Dr. T. Colin Campbell titled "WHOLE".

Dr. Campbell spent 10 years as a professor at Virginia Tech's Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition before going to Cornell in 1975.

The first book I was required to read while pursuing my nutritionist certification was by Dr. T. Colin Campbell titled "WHOLE". Dr. Campbell spent 10 years as a professor at Virginia Tech's Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition before going to Cornell in 1975.

My eye-opening moments reading WHOLE had a lot to do with the fact that Campbell was raised on a dairy farm milking cows. When he became the coordinator of a US State Department project in the Philippines to develop a nationwide network of feeding centers for malnourished children, he envisioned providing cows to these villages for them to produce milk. Problem solved, right?

Unfortunately, during his scientific experiments & research his hope that cow's milk would solve the Philippines malnutrition issues was tipped over, not just falling flat but with major red flags regarding the carcinogen effect of cow's milk.

Photo by Zeyn Afuang

It is specifically the casein in cow's milk that is the Western World's #1 carcinogen!

Photo by stvcr

In scientific studies scientists could literally turn cancer on and off based on consumption of cow’s milk. Dr. Campbell not only had to re-evaluate his entire thought process coming from a family of dairy farmers, but he lost a TON of funding due to the fact that his findings were not profitable for a mainstream industry.

Photo by Kim Gorga

Dr. Campbell was astonished by the scientists and researchers who, due to funding needs, turn a blind eye to the facts and continue thriving in their industry by catering to big business. You see if your research is not profitable for those who might choose to fund you then you are cut off. So, many researchers choose to collect the money and skew their research, or they would go broke with unpopular but scientifically sound experiments.

Photo by AMagill

What is a human's breast-milk to be used for?

Humans, right?

Photo by Jens Johnsson

So wouldn't a cow's milk be used for calves? Specifically for a calf to grow from a mere 64 lbs. to a mature cow at (yowza) 1,500 lbs.

Do the two species seem to have similar needs?

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Harvard University Studies

To the right is what the FDA shows as a balanced, healthy meal. You should notice immediately that this goes against the way that most people eat. The majority of people in America have 50%-75% of their meal consist of protein with very little fruits, veggies, and grains. Then we have the dairy illustrated in the upper right corner, but you know the truth here.

Below is the Healthy Eating Plate from Harvard Medical School. This gets a bit better, as they do leave off the dairy.

Then, we have the American Diabetes Association, which recommends a balanced plate of 50/25/25 when it comes to vegetables, protein, and grains respectively.

This is okay, except I would change the protein section to show more plant protein options so that you can avoid the cholesterol and bio magnification of the animal meats.

Check out the best diet for diabetics & depression.

Photo by Taylor Kiser

Balanced Living!

How will you balance out your eating with your lifestyle? Are you in a situation where you eat 3 meals a day and then can have 2-4 healthy snacks each day?
What fits into your schedule? To be completely transparent I’ll admit that I don’t always have 3 meals a day. First of all, my family is rarely home at dinner to sit down together. Fortunately we spend a TON of family time together, so I feel very blessed that we are together a LOT!

You don’t have to fit into a traditional lifestyle to be balanced or blessed! Your balance may be different from mine. I work from home and am on-the-go a lot as I taxi drive my kids to school and sporting events that are all at least 40 minutes away. Some days I make this 40 minute trip to Oviedo (and back) 3 times a day… (that’s 4 hours of driving in total)!

I like to eat small portions throughout the day. Here is a typical day for me:
6am – Advocare Plant Protein Shake (I’ll send you some samples if interested, let me know)
-- brush teeth –

6:45am-8:15am – Roundtrip travel to Oviedo and back. Finish water bottle as I get closer to home.
9:30am-10:30am – Teach Jazzercise
11:30am-12pm – Eat lunch; Stir Fry Veggies with Brown Basmati Rice, Salad, and a Vegan Bite.
Between 9:30-12 I usually down at least 2 water bottles.
--brush teeth--

12:20pm – To Oviedo with my 6th grader. He does Virtual School at Home and then 2 classes at the same private Christian school that my older son attends.
For this trip to Oviedo I pack water and healthy snacks. Usually on the way there I get a bit tired (because driving makes me sleepy). In the car I will have 2-3 Organic Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds.
Then I go to the Oviedo library to get some work done, then back to pick up the youngest child. In the car-line I snack on nuts.

3pm-4:15pm – Drive back home. At home I have an avocado (or 2) with pink Himalayan Salt. As I get closer to home I finish off another water bottle.
Now I pack up tons of water and fruit.

5:15pm – Back to Oviedo to pick up oldest from football practice and take both kids to wrestling practice (still in Oviedo). We stop by WAWA and get a customized, healthy dinner. I choose one of their customized salads and sometimes a Veggie Sub on a Junior Wheat Roll.
Home between 8:30-9pm and as we get closer to home I down another water bottle.
Then… on a good night I’ll be in bed before 10pm to avoid any late night snacking!

Alison Cody

Haiku Deck Pro User