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Welcome everyone. I'm excited to be here with you. You, ofcourse, are student assistants that will be working at the reception desk in the SSC.

We're here to talk about your main job focus: delivering excellent customer service.

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Customer Service Training

Published on Apr 22, 2016

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Customer Service Training

presented by Andrew K. Rogers
Welcome everyone. I'm excited to be here with you. You, ofcourse, are student assistants that will be working at the reception desk in the SSC.

We're here to talk about your main job focus: delivering excellent customer service.

about the presenter

I'm you're presenter, Andrew Rogers.

A little about me, I've been a University of Washington employee for 2 years, working in residence life and student development as a resident director. I've led student staff training for 8 years at various institutions around the country.

I've led ice breakers, retreats, trainings, student development classes, and exercises in team development.

Here I am facilitiating a team development activity with the Residential Life professional staff at last years' training. Trust falls.

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Personality that loves training others and customer service:

motivate others

about the presenter

I love the outdoors. I have a 1 and a half year old little girl who goes hiking with me on weekends.

So that's a little about me.

Customer Service Training Outcomes

  • Define customer service and why it's important.
  • Discover the essentials of customer service.
  • Practice our skills.
These are the outcomes for this training.

Customer Service Means...

We're going to start with an activity.

If we have less than 21 people, break up into groups of 3.

If we have more than 21 but less than 28, groups of 4.

If we have more than 28, but less than 35, groups of 5.

If more than 35, scrap. Just ask what it means for people.

What do people want?

Brainstorm ideas.
Photo by Dani_vr

What people want...

  • To Be Heard
  • To Be Understood
  • To Be Cared For
IF I were to summarize what people want when they come talk to you, it would be 3 things.

1. To be heard
2. to be understood
3. to be cared for

In order to deliver excellent customer service, you need to meet their needs. You need to

1. Hear them.
2. Show them you understand.
3. Take care of them.
Photo by harold.lloyd

The 5 Essentials of Customer Service

We've established a) what customer service is, and b) what people want.

But how do we give them great customer serivice?

We need to remember these 5 essential elements os customer service.
Photo by Neal.

Eye Contact

Give them your complete, extended focus.
When a person approachs you and wants to engage with you, to show them that they have your complete attention, you need to keep eye contact with them.

Show an example of quick eye contact vs extended eye contact.

By keeping eye contact, you relay to your customer that you are giving them complete attention.


Welcome them with your tone and your greeting.
Show them that you are truly glad to see them, you honor their presence and you're generally happy to see them.

Welcome them with your tone and your greeting.

Over the phone, they should be able to HEAR you smiling.


Repeat. Paraphrase. Clarify.
Opportunity to do a small 3 minute activity.

Partner up. Have one person be a customer coming in looking for help.

Have the other practice active listening. Paraphrase. Clarify. Smile. Eye contact.
Photo by niclindh


Put yourself in their shoes.
Confirm that you understand what they are feeling.

If they are upset, show them that you understand that and express it. "That's really frustating."

"You don't know what to do. It can be overwhelming being here. I understand."
Photo by P!XELTREE


Offer solutions. Teach them something they didn't know.
If you don't know the answer, find it quickly. Treat their problems like your own.
"That's not my problem" is not in our vocabulary. The customer's problem IS your problem. And we need to act with urgency.

Role Play

  • Pair up. One person is the customer, the other is the student assistant.
  • The customer is freaking out because they couldn't get registered into the class they need to take in order to graduate and they need help immediately but don't know what to do.
  • The student assistant is going to practice the 5 Essentials.

“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.”
– Mahatma Gandhi