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Who Is Ceres?

Published on Oct 20, 2016

This is a Latin project that is being done bye a 11th grader as a Latin project. My assignment was to pick a Roman goddess and find his or her Roman and Greek name. Also I have to find facts and have at least 3 pic that goes with this project and my goddess. I knew that when my teacher gave me this assignment that I wasted to do my project based on a girl goddess and so she helped me bye giving me Ceres because I could not chose. Hope you enjoy the fact, readings, and even pictures that you will see in this slide.




WHO IS Ceres

By Rosa Torres

What she is.

  • Ceres is a goddess of all living organisms, grains, and vegetation.
  • She was seen as a mother goddess. The worship of Ceres is older then the 6th centry BCE.
  • She is the daughter of Saturn and Ops. The sister of Jupiter, and the mother of Proserpine.

Ceres/Greek view

  • Ceres is the daughter of Saturn and Ops.
  • She is the sister of Jupiter, and the mother of Proserpine.
  • Ceres Greek name is Demeter.
  • Ceres brother is Jupiter and she has two sisters named Hera and Vesta.
  • Jupiter and Hera were married.
Photo by katybird

Queen of agricola.

Demeter/Roman view

  • Ceres Greek name is Demeter.
  • She is the goddess of farming which in Latin is agricola.
  • She is the sister of Zeus, Hera,Posider and Hades.
  • Symbols for Demeter are the ear of wheat and grain
Photo by FeatheredTar


Story time.

  • She had a smile for everyone. One day, while picking flowers in the fields Pluto her uncle (who is also the god of the underworld) noticed her. Pluto was known as a depressing. But Proserpina's Proserpine had grown into a beautiful young woman.beauty had dazzled him. He fell in love instantly.

More of a tale.

  • Quickly before anyone could interfere he kidnapped Proserpine and thrown her in his wagon down into the abyss of the underworld, taking Proserpine with him. He then locked her in room where she cried and cried. She repelled to talk to anyone especially Pluto. She also repelled to eat, more because of the legend that she heard that said if you ate anything in Pluto you could never leave.

The end of a tale.

  • It was like a spell. She did not know if the legend was true or not but she did not risk it in case someone came to rescue her. A week went by and unable to bare her hunger, Proserpine ate six pomegranate seeds. Herr fate was then sealed, for she would now have to live in the abyss of the underworld forever.

Fun facts.

  • Did you know that Ceres cultus was introduced under the Italian name at the same time as that of Dionysus and Persephone, who in the same way received the Italian names of Liber and Libera.
  • It was in 496 B.C., on the occasion of a drought, that the Sibylline books ordered the introduction of the worship of the three deities.


  • This worship was so decidedly Greek that the temple dedicated on a spur of the Aventine in 490 B.C., over the entrance to the Circus, was built in Greek style and by Greek artists; and the service of the goddess, founded on the Greek fable of Demeter and Persephone, was performed in the Greek tongue by Italian women of Greek extraction.