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We are happy to be here with you to have this opportunity to speak with you about comprehensive school health and the Healthy Learner in School Program.
We feel Community health is very important for your nursing education.
You can be a wonderful role model for the students you will be interacting with. You may be surprised what you will learn from the students during your experience.
Strength cards exercise the short version!!
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Comprehensive School Health

January 2016

We are happy to be here with you to have this opportunity to speak with you about comprehensive school health and the Healthy Learner in School Program.
We feel Community health is very important for your nursing education.
You can be a wonderful role model for the students you will be interacting with. You may be surprised what you will learn from the students during your experience.
Strength cards exercise the short version!!
Photo by badjoby

Healthy Learners in School

We have wonderful partnership b/w health and education which began in the fall of 2000.

PHN's in every school district and PH dietitians are available. Proven that healthy children learn better. Health is connected to learning. Our job is health promotion and disease and injury prevention

Do the activity: scentfree soap, peanut free granola bar, choc bar, can of pop, cig package, fresh veggie, flower, bicycle, play dough with choc chips, condoms. (10 minutes)

DHAC, guides our work. PHN's have been involved in many important health policies. i.e. tobacco free schools, healthy eating policies, for example getting pop out of schools.
Our role includes supporting staff with the health curriculum.

Photo by NBCCSue

Determinants of Health

Our work focuses on the health of populations, communities and
addresses the factors that affect our health (the determinants of health are the circumstances by which people are born, live, work, play etc)( Income and education level are huge in regards to impact on health/social status/ed/culture/genetics/biology
base decisions on evidence
( gather information, identify priorities for action)
Look at the root causes of illness and conditions that create health. We work on addressing the factors that have the greatest impact on health status, such as social, economic, and environmental factors.
Photo by joysaphine

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Our goal is to reduce the demands for curative and rehabilitative care. School health programs are an important part of promoting health. health belongs in education. Primordial prevention: preventing the disease/injury from even occurring( by way of inhibiting factors such as environmental, economic, social, behavioural etc)
i.e. legislation and policy, smoke free places act, tobacco free zones, seat belt and booster seat legislation, healthy communities, families, broad heath determinants clean water and sanitation
Primary prevention: (personal level)preventing the disease/injury through modifying existing risk factors, behaviour anti drinking and driving campaigns
Secondary: the disease has occurred, find and treat early
Tertiary: slowing progression and decreasing complications

“A comprehensive school health approach includes a broad spectrum of activities and services that take place in schools and surrounding communities and enable children and youth to enhance their health, develop to their fullest potential, and establish productive and satisfying relationships in their present and future lives.”(CASH & CNA)

CSH is called other names such as health promoting schools, healthy schools etc.

show video

It is officially endorsed by many organizations, such as the Canadian Nurses' Association and the Canadian Teachers Federation
Photo by jude hill

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CSH is an internationally recognized framework for supporting improvements in students educational outcomes while addressing school health in a planned, integrated and holistic way. It encompasses the whole school environment, not only what happens in the classroom.
CSH addresses societal, economic, educational and moral imperatives.

4 pillars, grounded in evidence based practices

Social and Physical Environment

a supportive network fosters healthy lifestyle decisions

families, peers, school staff, policy makers, partners, Home and school, PSSC's DEC, School climate

Physical: includes, hygiene,good lighting, noise reduction, clean air, safe play areas, warm and asthetically pleasing environment, not in heavy industrial area etc.

Teaching and Learning

comprehensive curriculum, up to date resources, inclusion, lifestyle focused physical education and varied learning strategies,
Instruction is one way of empowering students with knowledge, attitudes, skill and behaviours they need for good health.
formal and informal learning,
importance of all adults as a good role models not only school staff.

Healthy School Policy

What would be some examples? Examples are scent reduced schools, smoke free schools, no idling policy, healthier foods and nutrition, health policies
management practices, decision making process, shaping healthy policies at all levels that promote health and well being and shape a respectful, welcoming and caring school environment
Photo by arbyreed

Partnerships and Services

What are some examples of partnerships and services?

We have an integrated web of community, and government services,
extra mural, speech language pathologists, social workers, autism specialists, student teachers, nursing students, gardeners, families, volunteers,

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We have a wonderful partnership with PHE Canada and have been working with 4 schools to help them become HPS's. This is the PHE Canada model for HPS, it is similiar to the CSH model but shows the importance of the factors needed in the circle to support the framework. We plan to increase the number of HPS's by having these schools buddy up with another school so more of our schools will be true HPS or CSH schools.

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The NB wellness strategy recognizes the importance of building on the mental fitness needs of relatedness, autonomy and competency.

There are wellness grants that schools have applied for and they have a work plan and may be working on mental fitness, physical activity, healthy eating and tobacco free. It would be important for you to find out what your school is working on.

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Positive mental health campaign, mental fitness, starting with staff, then will be moving into the school community. have 3 pilot schools that will be starting in september and have several schools moving ahead with mental fitness
autonomy (choices), competency (skills) and relatedness
Mental fitness toolkit, to embed mental fitness practices
Dr. Bill Morrison and Dr. Patty Peterson, working with them, they have done work in the francophone school district

Spin Bikes

Spin bikes are happening in some of our schools in our district, province and Atlantic provinces.
Spin bikes help students who need to expend their energy and ultimately it helps with their self regulation and behaviour management. What is essential for some is good for all.
Some schools have been able to fund raise for up to 12 bikes, i.e. one per class

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Photo by AForestFrolic