Mime is one of the oldest forms of theater-the dramatic art of representing life through expressive movement of the body and face. Pantomime refers to the mim d dramatic sketch as a whole. The actor must communicate without words. The mimes objection is to make the audience believe in the world he or she is creating.
The chest harbors the body's center of gravity and is often moving force behind emotion. If the chest is expanded, it shows the person is full of pride or confidence. If it's curved inwards, it means weak or shyness
The face is unique. People communicate a lot with the face. The mime must learn to control his or her facials. Open the face to be happy, a frown can indicate anger or threat, or a straight line mouth means the actor is curious or listening.
The legs and feet can be used to help express character on the chest and face. One leg crossed can mean relaxed or casual. Feet turned in or one leg bent behind can mean shyness or timidity. Legs and feet apart can mean strength or confidence(add a head held high and hands on the hips).
The arms and hands create invisible walls, strokes, caress, or pushing away. The joints in the arm can give the actor flexibility. Clenched fist could mean anger, threat, or forced control. Palms down could mean rejection, demanding, or denial.
Preparing for your pantomime can be down in a few ways. "See" the action playing out. Visualize the seen in front of you. Begin your approach. Feel the scene. Follow through your actions and make everything believable.
Let's do an activity. First, think of your action you want to pantomime. Choose an activity you have done in real life. And secondly, outline each step. Divide each main step into little steps. Remember the purpose is a well planned action.