Modern Distance Learning is defined as:
1. Online: Predominantly online with at least 80% of instruction via online activity.
2. Blended/hybrid: 30 - 79% of the content is delivered online, but certain elements are delivered in a blended manner.
3. Web-facilitated: 1 - 29% of the content is delivered online, with the remaining elements delivered more traditionally (Archambault & Crippen, 2009, p. 364).
Students will be equally as successful with the curriculum, as they are able to easily access it. A user friendly format of the course material, as well as clear and concise directions for how to maneuver their assignments will aide students in successful completion of their coursework.
Conversely, a poorly designed course with limited access to materials and unclear expectations will add to student anxiety which will lead to disengaging with their coursework.
In the field of Guidance & Counseling, assisting students through these alternative ways of accessing education will be imperative, as so many college level courses are now offered online.
A Culture of Technology an Innovation
All forms of distance learning require changes in the perception of learning and teaching as held by teachers and administrators. In addition, how they interact with their students will also change.
“To succeed in this endeavor, creativity and innovation are crucial” ("Key Elements of Successful," n.d.).
Implementing a new program or supporting one that is already in place, depends on funding.
Whether the program is state funded or financed by private organizations, the quality of instructors, the curriculum, technology, and recruiting all depend on the financial component ("Key Elements of Successful," n.d.).
(Technical & Administrative)
A common complaint of distance learners is the feeling of isolation that occurs outside of the traditional constructs of the classroom. The same can be said of teachers. A successful distance learning program would create a technological environment that would embed ways that teachers and students alike would feel supported and have plenty of places to turn to obtain additional help when necessary ("Key Elements of Successful," n.d.).
Creating a course template with a similar design among all courses is a great initial step that will assist in the facilitation of course material as well as the accessibility for students (Distance Education Report, n.d.).
Distance Learning is vastly different from traditional education, and as such, teachers must be skilled at reinforcing and encouraging students in different ways. Additionally, staying current with the relevant best practices in the field is absolutely imperative in a field where the methods for instruction and learning are so quickly changing ("Key Elements of Successful," n.d.).
Faculty will require training in online pedagogy as well as the new tech elements. “One approach is a completely online program that puts faculty in the seat of a student (Distance Education Report, n.d.).
Distance Learning Skills for Students
Although students may have elected to take online courses, this does not necessarily mean that they have the skill set or expertise to successfully maneuver the technological aspects, or the curriculum.
One way to counter this is to embed assignments into the curriculum that will allow students to build their repertoire of skills for distance learning while mastering the material required of the class. (Distance Education Report, n.d.).
Today's options for obtaining additional education are better and more accessible than ever before. The availability of distance learning programs allows learners to complete programming online, which is extremely convenient. The value, however, of an effective distance learning program cannot be underestimated when designed with these characteristics in mind.
In the field of Guidance & Counseling, students will need to be advised of the structure and expectations of distance learning courses. It is imperative that counselors are able to support students as they maneuver new and exciting modes of education.