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Published on Dec 08, 2016

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Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine 

Interesting Facts

  • Elements within the group, Halogens, are all one electron short of having a complete octet in their outer energy level, meaning these elements have one less electron before becoming a nonmetal.
  • Also, out of the 5 elements listed under the Halogen family, fluorine is the element with the most electronegativity on the entire periodic table.
  • Lastly, the word "Halogen" means "salt-former". Halogens form salts when they react to a metal.

What about in real life?

  • Every day we are using elements throughout the Halogen family, such as chlorine. Chlorine compounds are used in laundry bleach, insecticides, fireworks and more.
  • Fluorine is used in used in compounds to strengthen your teeth before decaying
  • Chlorine is also used in drinking water, and the water we swim in to prevent inhibit bacterial growth.


Photo by m01229

Chlorine has a greenish yellow gas, which combines with nearly all other elements. This gas is respiratory irritant, meaning the gas irritates the mucous area and liquid chlorine burns to the skin.

Element Details

  • Atomic Number:
  • Atomic Mass:
  • Metal/Nonmetal/Metalloid?

Element Details

  • Atomic Number: 17
  • Atomic Mass: 35.453
  • Nonmetal
  • Density-3.2 g/L, Chlorine dissolves in wate

Where in the Real World?

  • Chlorine can be found in your kitchen in cooking salt.
  • It's also a strong oxidant, used in bleaching and a disinfectant for drinking water, swimming pools and more.
  • Chlorine salts is deposited into the earth, and also dissolves in the oceans. Therefore, minerals are normally found a vast amount of dry climates or deep undergrounds.

More about Chlorine :)

  • Chlorine has a gas color of a yellowish green color in its purest form, but its common compounds are typically colorless.
  • Chlorine is used industrially and commercially to fight infection and bacteria, and for bleaching or whitening of any sort.
  • Although, highly concentrated pure chlorine is dangerous to living beings.

Historical Facts on Chlorine:

  • Chlorine was discovered by Carl William Scheele in Sweden. The origin of name, came from the Greek word "chloros" meaning "pale green"
  • He created it through the reaction of the mineral pyrolusite (MnO2) with hydrochloric acid (HCl). Scheele had thought the resulting gas contained oxygen.