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Photo by Brooke Cagle


  • You can find value in class through the behavioral skills you learn, not just the Learning material itself
  • You can be a good student, but not gain any skills, if you are not trying your best in a class
Photo by Headway


  • Boredom is determined by how you see something, so you must learn to see things, such as classes, better
  • Boredom is a busy mind, so you must try to slow your mind down and stay focused
  • If you don't end the mindset of boredom early, it may last the rest of your life
Photo by Magnet.me


  • Procrastination, or putting off something not enjoyable, may feel good in the moment, but ultimately it causes increased stress
  • No matter what, unpleasant things must be done, all procrastination does is prolong and intensify the stress that comes with that burdensome thing
Photo by Brett Jordan


  • There are different levels of listening, and you should strive to be in the zone level of listening
  • If your thoughts begin to wander when you are supposed to be listening, push those thoughts away and refocus on the lesson at hand
  • When you are in the zone, your mind is clear and you are living in the present, while actively listening to what you are supposed to be hearing
Photo by Mimi Thian