(1) It CANNOT be inferred that Adolf Eichmann was "just following orders." In line 12 it says he was the 'mastermind.' This means he was in charge and implies clearly that he was not ordered to do these things.
(4) It CANNOT be inferred that Milligram wanted to improve eduction and learning. In line 23 its says he "just wanted to see how well or how badly the volunteers would behave."
(6) It CAN be inferred that the the white lad coats made them look more official. It says in line 35 that the coat was worn by the person who would represent the "experiment's legitimate authority."
(7) It CANNOT be inferred that the the white lad coats made them look more official. It says in line 35 that the coat was worn by the person who would represent the "experiment's legitimate authority."