On the night of Christmas Eve one family called the Johnsons had their Christmas dinner, played some traditional games and went to bed.
Before the kids got to their beds their mom said ” be sure to sleep well and Santa will come and bring you presents for being good kids.
As the kids went to bed, mom said to dad " do you think Santa is real for if not the kids will make out of it a big deal.
As the kids were sound asleep, the parents heard them sleep peacefully in a dream so deep.
In the kids dreams they dreamed of the same thing which was Santa coming to their house eating the cookies and drinking the milk and leaving them presents for being good kids.
As they slept mom and dad went to bed. Then the kids woke up and heard a sound that sounded like Jingles.
So they woke up in such a hurry to see Santa clause that they almost woke up the parents that would've been a terrible cause.
As they waited for something to happen there was nothing and they were not happy. Then they heard grunting with struggling and they knew it could only mean one thing. Santa is real.
As they knew he was real they tried to help him with all their might, but could not get him down which gave the kids a fright.
Then finally Santa fell through the chimney and the kids cheered with Christmas Joy that Santa was really real.
As Santa recovered from the fall, the kids experienced Santa of how he was so nice and tall. Then Santa said with surprise and standing straight "what are you kids doing up at this time, it's very late.
Then the kids explained why they were up so late and after they told there story. Then Santa ate the cookies and drank the milk and left them the presents which the children felt so happy with cheers and glory.
Then the children went back to bed and the last thing they heard from Santa was " ho ho ho merry Christmas to all and to all a good night" and the kids slept beautifully and peacefully.
Then the kids woke up in the morning and opened the presents that Santa gave them were toys, and told their parents what happened last night and they celebrated Christmas with holiday cheer and Joy.