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Published on Nov 26, 2015

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How did the reformation begin

  • The church was one of the first christian church.
  • In the early1500's renissance ideas had come.
  • To europe to see their lives with a more critical eye.
  • Martin Luther started the reformation. 
  • Martin Luther was mad at the cleragy because of there behavior.

origins of the church

  • Luther was a catholic and he was a scholar
  • he wasnt convinced of selling indulgences
  • he couldnt find the basic teaching of the bible from the page 
  • he was seperated from the church
  • he began lutherasnism in Germany by the catholic church 1521
Photo by slworking2


  • The Catholics work to go to heaven 
  • In Lutheranism people were saved by Jesus himself
  • The people were justified by jesus 
  • Jesus decided if you go to heaven or to hell.
Photo by Lawrence OP


  • Lutherns rejected traditional sources of religion authority
  • they beleived  that the authority such as council of the pope
  • reading the bible as the only true source of religion guidence.
  • Luther published the bible in several languages.
Photo by Matt. Create.


  • They combined Catholic practice
  • Lutheranism was met in the church 
  • They used altars candles and crusafix

community life

  • Martin Luther gave certain rules how to live there life
  • They had great importance in there families
  • There father had to teach there sons religion
  • The women should get married and give birth to other children