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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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A Farewell to Arms
Ernest Hemmingway
Jill Verbeck



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In A Farewell to Arms, Henry drives an ambulance on the front at war. He risks his life to help others. He gets injured in the book and has to have an operation.
Photo by Phil's 1stPix

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Henry meets a woman named Catherine that changes his entire life. He instantly falls for her and she becomes the main interest in his life. He starts feeling detached from the war because he is only thinking of her.
Photo by kakeyzz----

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Often, when we fall in love we change. Our personality and things we enjoy doing change based on the person we love and what they enjoy doing. The best example of this is a parent and child. The parent has to be playful and have a young spirit when playing with their child. They have to have a young spirit and do what is most enjoyable for their child.
Photo by Yogendra174

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Love can make a person weak, even vulnerable because they open their heart up to be taken by another human being. Love made Henry run away from the war so that he could be with Catherine, even though he knew what was right.
Photo by moriza

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Love makes people stronger in areas they were not strong in before. They learn about their flaws and how they can improve as a person. They also enjoy other interests, making them more knowledgable about the world and people.

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Henry puts himself out there for his wife and when she passes along with their baby, he is left alone and broken. Love made him so blind to anything but Catherine, and now she was gone forever.

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Love makes a person become understanding, patient, kind, accepting, caring, and so many more attributes. Love breaks a person apart and builds them up to a stronger, better person. It makes you think with that person placed first in your mind; looking out for their best interest. Love makes a person vulnerable, powerless, and defenseless, because people make decisions from their heart instead of their mind.