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Published on May 10, 2016

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Personal Mission Presentation

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed

I wanted to share some words from my favorite poet, Peter Gene Hernandez
Photo by kevin dooley

Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone

'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything

Photo by marfis75

Nothing At All


You feel it, right? I feel it. And especially now, with simply days left before we switch our tassels to the graduating side, our motivation for hard productivity is incredibly, incredibly low. Senioritis is at it’s all-time high and most brutal of stages. We’ve worked hard for the past 12 years, slaving away under the ruling of our state curriculum, filling in bubble after bubble, after bubble. We deserve this.

Where do we go from here?

Humans are comfortable with where they can stay – and not many seek change in their comfortable, triple-lunch lives. But yet this type of mentality will hardly get us through for the future.
Photo by adam.declercq

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So let's get hype about doing stuff next year. I had to first turn to a number of smart people to hype myself up.

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"Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing."
– Ron Swanson

Photo by daspader

Who Do I Want to Be?

So I'm getting all hype about changing myself for the better.
Photo by theaucitron

Who Am I Now?

But first, gotta check out who I am to begin with.
Photo by bengrey


Positively, I see, or maybe last year, saw myself as


Photo by Uwe Hermann


Photo by Dave_B_


Photo by Leo Reynolds

S E N I O R  Y E A R

And then here is senior year, where I can get by with 4 study halls in one day, only to go home and absolutely do nothing by lie around and chill out. So, needless to say, now I'm
Photo by blakley


Photo by Eric.Parker


Which should be a good thing...but it's become now to the fact that I am practical...about not doing things.
Photo by Auntie P


Photo by MaxC.


About doing work, that is.
Photo by boltron-


Who Do I Want To Be?

Photo by Scott*

24 H O U R S

I want to be someone who has 24 hours in everyday but can make the most out of it.
Photo by andres.moreno


I want to be nominated for 46 Grammy awards and win 17 of them.
Photo by Thomas Hawk


I want to be a killer actress who can star glamorously alongside Steve Martin with a french accent.
Photo by pamhule

Fitness Line

I want to own a fitness wear line that puts Lulu Lemon to flame.


I want to drop albums suddenly that throws the media into absolute havoc as I chastize my man about “Becky with the Good Hair”, yes that's right
Photo by Rob.Bertholf

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I want to be Beyonce.

But...I know that’s a goal that will be nearly impossible to meet. After all, look at this queen. That’s fine. So perhaps I’ll look on the broader scale.
Photo by hassy's


My goal, especially going into the future with college, is to focus and make a plan to live my most productive life. Though I don’t want to cut relaxation and enjoyment out of my life altogether, I want to be more productive in my time management and lifestyle.
Photo by Jesse757

One step at a time...

But...that takes time. Baby steps, to get back on our feets after this crazy school thing. So....maybe I'll take the summer off, and see what happens this fall.

Best of luck for the future, guys.
Photo by birdsaspoetry