One way insects can survive is their ability to camouflage to look like other things. They can blend in so predators don’t see them. This is really inportant for insects, especially the bugs lower on the food chain.
Another big thing that helps insects survive is their wings. These wings allow them to fly anywhere they want whenever they want. They can get places faster, swoop in on prey, but the most important thing is getting away from predators. If insects didn’t have these wings they might not be able to survive.
Insects could only be here if they reproduced, which they do! Reproduction is a big part of how bugs thrive! They reproduce in mass amounts which is great for them, because if they didn’t and reproduced like humans, there would be way less insects.
Pollination is a great thing for bees and humans too. Pollination is something we call mutualism which means it is good for both. If we didn’t have pollination bees wouldn’t get their food, and neither would we!
Madagascar hissing cockroaches are very amazing creatures. One thing I learned about them is they have this sticky substance on their legs to cling on to things. This is a great adaptation to have because it can hold them onto things so they don’t fall. If they fall it could really harm them or even kill them.
Something I found really interesting about the mealworms is the fact they can survive being such a small size. They also blend in really well with things like oats. I also find it cool how fast they go through metamorphosis. It takes some larva’s longer to turn into a pupa, but after that the process is really short.