Many people get and swim in pools for entertainment, but have they ever wondered how it could affect the environment. While I am researching I will be finding out how pools {chlorine or saltwater} effect our environment.
Chlorine 1908: Used in drinking water and swimming pool water to kill harmful bacteria. Chlorine is able to kill the bacteria so well because it is highly reactive with sulfur-containing and aromatic amino acids.
The first official time salt water was used is unknown because it is used in our oceans but slowly we have learned to add more water to that and it is good for you
Nausea, Vomiting, A burning sensation in the throat, Bloody nose, Eye irritation, A burning sensation in the eyes, Coughing or wheezing, Chest pain, Shortness of breath, A burning or irritated feeling on the skin, Buildup of fluid in the lungs
Hopefully from watching this presentation you have realized that before you step into or buy a pool you have a lot to think about. Is this safe for my Health? Am I improving the environmental state of my location? Many scientists have contributed their time into this topic. What will you choose next time you step into a pool?