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Effects of Chlorine and Salt Water Pools

Published on Nov 21, 2016

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Effects of Chlorine and Salt Water Pools

Kendall Heitz

Essential Question

  • How do pools affect our environment?

Discussion Points

  • Effects of pools
  • What, when, who, why, where, how
  • Interesting Facts
Photo by bzo

What My Topic is About

  • Many people get and swim in pools for entertainment, but have they ever wondered how it could affect the environment. While I am researching I will be finding out how pools {chlorine or saltwater} effect our environment.
Photo by plewicki

When Chlorine Was First Used

  • Chlorine 1908: Used in drinking water and swimming pool water to kill harmful bacteria. Chlorine is able to kill the bacteria so well because it is highly reactive with sulfur-containing and aromatic amino acids.

When Salt Water Was First Used

  • The first official time salt water was used is unknown because it is used in our oceans but slowly we have learned to add more water to that and it is good for you

Carl Wilhelm Scheele

  • Most important natural scientists of the 18th century and a co-founder of modern chemistry.
  • Studied and was a member at the Swedish academy of science in Stockholm in 1775.
  • Discovered various chemical elements and compounds, including manganese, chlorine, tartaric acid, glycerin and lactic acid.
Photo by RDECOM

Sir Humphry Davy

  • Known for his contributions to the discoveries of chlorine and iodine.
  • In 1798,he was appointed chemical superintendent of the Pneumatic Institution to study the therapeutic uses of various gases
Photo by hjl


  • Chlorine: As a Weapon in wars and to find a way to clean the water we swim and drink
  • Salt Water: To find a better way to have pools that is not so harmful to our health and environment.
Photo by Thomas Hawk

Short Term Effects of Chlorine

  • Nausea, Vomiting, A burning sensation in the throat, Bloody nose, Eye irritation, A burning sensation in the eyes, Coughing or wheezing, Chest pain, Shortness of breath, A burning or irritated feeling on the skin, Buildup of fluid in the lungs
Photo by hjl

Long Term Effects of Chlorine

  • Bronchitis, asthma, Tooth corrosion, and Cancer
  • Chlorine in air can affect the immune system, the blood, the heart, and the respiratory system of animals.

Health Affects of Salt Water Pools

  • Minimizes Stress
  • Cleanse Skin
  • Work from the Inside Out
Photo by InMyEyes88

To prevent the Environmental Effects of Pools

  • Don’t dispose of chemical laden pool water into any type of watercourse.
  • The wastewater that comes from a saltwater swimming pool can kill plants and dissolve beneficial soil nutrients.
  • Don’t discharge shocked pool water before the chemicals have had a chance to dissipate

How This Has Been Used Or Helped Others

  • Inform people about their choices of swimming in a public or personal pools.
  • Now that you know this information you can make smarter choices for your health and environment.
Photo by Keoki Seu

Extra Facts

  • The backwash or wastewater that comes from a saltwater swimming pool is known to kill plants and dissolve beneficial soil nutrients.
  • Salt water pools DO use chlorine - just less of it. The pool owner installs a salt generator which manufactures its own chlorine.
  • Salt Water pools have been linked to crop damage in some areas in Australia and even in the US.
Photo by AnneCN


  • Hopefully you have already realized, but chlorine and salt water pools have many ups and downs.
  • Salt Water Pools: Can be better for your health, but is not chlorine free, kills organisms in soil
  • Chlorine Pools: Easier maintenance, has many health issues, can be used to clean our water
Photo by matt.herzog

Final Thoughts

  • Hopefully from watching this presentation you have realized that before you step into or buy a pool you have a lot to think about. Is this safe for my Health? Am I improving the environmental state of my location? Many scientists have contributed their time into this topic. What will you choose next time you step into a pool?
Photo by jurvetson