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A Lifecycle of a Butterfly

Published on Dec 16, 2015

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A Lifecycle of a Butterfly

lets explore a butterflies life cycle in detail,including all four stages in life

the first stage:the egg
A butterfly starts life as a very small, round, oval or cylindrical egg. The coolest thing about butterfly eggs, especially monarch butterfly eggs, is that if you look close enough you can actually see the tiny caterpillar growing inside of it. Some butterfly eggs may be round, some oval and some may be ribbed while others may have other features. The egg shape depends on the type of butterfly that laid the egg.
Butterfly eggs are usually laid on the leaves of plants.

Photo by Max0rz

The Second Stage: The Larva (Caterpillar)

Butterfly larvae are called caterpillars. Caterpillars do not stay in this stage for very long and mostly, in this stage all they do is eat.

Photo by Amyn Kassam

The Third Stage: Pupa (Chrysalis)

As soon as a caterpillar is done growing and they have reached their full length/weight, they form themselves into a pupa, also known as a chrysalis. From the outside of the pupa, it looks as if the caterpillar may just be resting, but the inside is where all of the action is. Inside of the pupa, the caterpillar is rapidly changing.

Photo by livewombat

The Fourth Stage: Adult Butterfly

Finally, when the caterpillar has done all of its forming and changing inside the pupa, if you are lucky, you will get to see an adult butterfly emerge. When the butterfly first emerges from the chrysalis, both of the wings are going to be soft and folded against its body. This is because the butterfly had to fit all its new parts inside of the pupa.


Photo by BigTallGuy

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