DARK ROMANTICS ERA Was filled with the feeling of gloom, terror, or mystery. The book usually took place in an isolated time or space from contemporary life, usually located in a ruined castle or mansion.
DARK ROMANTICS ERA During this time period the American Transcendental movement was also taking place at this time. Transcendentalism was a protest against the general state of culture and society. The dark romantic spirit was influenced by Transcendentalism.
GOTHIC TRADITION The word "gothic" comes from the late middles ages in Europe. People later used the word gothic to describe a kind of romantic, scary novel that sprang up in Germany in the late 1700 and early 1800's.
EDGAR ALLEN POE Edgar Allen Poe was as famous writer in the time of the dark romantics (1809-1849). He was orphaned at a young age and taken in by John and Francis Allen. He published Tamerlane in 1827. It didn't get much attention so he joined the army. He published "el Aaraaf" in 1829. He wanted to leave behind the tangible world and discover the unsettling truth of the human mind. "The Rraven" in 1845. Died in 1849.
NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE In his mid-life he earned recognition and earned the admiration of his compromises. He started to withdraw from his friends and family and became secluded and "increasingly dissatisfied". He had guilt that was also darkening his life. He kept locking himself in a room for 12 years so he could learn "the craft of fiction". He published the "Scarlet letter" in 1850 and he published "The of the Seven Gabels" in 1851. He died on May 18th, 1864.