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The Cambridge Essay

Published on Feb 04, 2016

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The Cambridge Essay

It's the same thing, but done differently!
Photo by pgcummings

Reason: To standardize it with the other exams: CAE, IELTS, TOEFL

What does it look like?

Photo by Quasimondo

In your English class you have been talking about… Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write an essay using all of the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

(statement) Do you agree?”
(question asking to choose between two options)?”
(yes/ no opinion question)?”

3. (your own idea)

Write your essay. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate to the situation.”


So far, these are the topics the test has asked about...
Photo by gw225

Untitled Slide

  • the environment
  • fashion
  • work and money
  • friends and family
  • modern life

Question Stems

  • Which is more important – … or …?
  • Is it better to… or…?
  • We should… Do you agree?
  • Some people say that… has a bad effect on people’s lives. Do you agree?
  • Do you think these problems can be solved?
Photo by Tortured Mind

140-190 words

There is no word penalty within 15 words.
Photo by fchmksfkcb


  • Content: properly answer the question!
  • Communicative Achievement: Succesfully communicate using the appropriate formality
  • Organization: transitions, linking ideas, proper paragraphing
  • Language: vocabulary and grammar
Photo by Eric Kilby

Is it the same as a standard essay?


We use the same hook, thesis statement, paragraphing, topic sentences and a conclusion

Photo by derekGavey


  • Paragraph 1 introduction Paragraph 2 point one – problem + solution Paragraph 3 point two – problem + solution Paragraph 4 point three – problem + solution Paragraph 5 conclusion
  • Paragraph 2 point one – problem + solution
  • Paragraph 3 point two – problem + solution
  • Paragraph 4 point three – problem + solution
  • Paragraph 5 conclusion
Photo by DarrelBirkett