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Published on May 14, 2014

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Kevlar is a artificial material that was made by a chemist called Stephanie Kwolek. Kelva is a very strong material that is used in items like tyres and many rubber products. Because it is such a durable material they even use it in the making of the bullet proof vests that police's use.

Kevlar is a carbon based strong material that is related to the nylon family. It is woven in a pattern that has similarity to spider webs all intertwined together to give extra strength. Kevlar has no boiling point and it resistant to heat and tear.

Photo by thisisbossi

Kevlar was invented by a chemist who was working for DuPont, called Stephanie Kwolek. They say she " invented" Kevlar because in 1965 when she was trying to dissolve a polymer (A polymer is a chemical compound formed from long chains of the same molecule group. These chains repeat over and over.) something different had happened, normally the substance would be transparent but, the substance was cloudy and watery.

Photo by dno1967b

Instead of throwing the substance away, a technician called, Charles Smullen, motivated her to test her substance. When they had woven the solution, they found the material was unbreakable and extremely strong, it was also light weighted. After several years of testing, Kevlar was finally release into the markets in 1971.