"I took this out of your car- I took the liberty- what if we listen to some Schubert while I make breakfast! A nice breakfast doctor? Death and the maiden?
"Yes look at you love. You're still a prisoner. You stayed there behind with them, locked in the basement. For 15 years you have done nothing with your life. Not a thing". (38)
"Forget? You're asking me to forget?
Free yourself from them Paulina. That's what I'm asking". (39)
"It's not the only thing I recognize, I recognize the skin and the smell". (38)
"I want him to confess. I want him to sit in front of that cassette recorder and tell me what he did. Not just me, everything, to everybody". (41)
"Oh leave me, prithee leave me grisly man of bone.
For life is sweet and pleasant.
Go leave me now alone
Go leave me now alone".
"She needs some kind of psychiatric treatment.
To put it bluntly, you are her therapy, Doctor". (43)
"We'll die from such past, so much pain and resentment". (54)
"I want you on the commission defending the truth, and I want you in the air I breathe and I want you in the Schubert that I can start listening to again" (56)
"In the darkness, we hear Roberto's voice overlapping with Paulina's and the second movement of Death and the maiden. (58)
I would put on Death and the Maiden because it helped me in my role of a good guy. It was my way of gaining the prisoners trust". (59)
"Give me thy hand, oh! Maiden fair to see,
For I am a friend, hath ne'er distress'd thee.
Take courage now and very soon
Within mine arms shalt softly rest thee
"There's still a little matter pending. To kill you, so I can listen to Death and the Maiden without thinking that you're be listening to it, soiling my day, and my Schubert". (63)
"Well I'll see you later old man- Ah, Paulie, just in time!" (67).
"Gerardo and Paulina sit in seats. The instruments are tested and tuned. Then death and the maiden begins". (68)