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The Kings of Rome

Published on Aug 14, 2017

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The Kings of Rome


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  • supposedly the son of mars
  • Killed his brother
  • first king of rome
  • killed by the senate
  • called quirinus after his death

Numa Pompilius

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  • One of the most peaceful rulers of Rome.
  • Built the temple of Janus.
  • Established religious rites and rituals.
  • Esablished Rome's boundaries
  • Changed the calender from 10 to 12 monsths.

Tullius Hostilius

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  • He was latin
  • Conquered the Albans
  • Built the Curia Hostilia
  • Turned to religion after a plague only to get struck by lightning
  • Ruled from 673 BC-641 BC

Ancus Marcius

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  • Defeated the Old LatiNs
  • Expanded Rome to include two new hills
  • Built the first aqueduct and the Port Ostia
  • Said to have made the manner in which Romans declare war
  • Ruled from 641 BC-616 BC

Tarquinius Priscus

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  • He was an Etruscan
  • People considered him to be very honest
  • Doubled the Cavary's size
  • Defeated the Sabines
  • Assassinated by Ancus MArcius' sons

Servius Tullius

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  • Made it so position in the military was determined by wealth
  • Established that a person's tribe depended on where they lived instead of family or wealth.
  • Added three more hills to Rome, Quirinal, Viminal, and Esquiline.
  • Built the Temple of Diana
  • Ruled from 579 BC-535 BC

Tarquinius Superbus

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  • The last king of Rome
  • Dethroned Servius, who died on the streets
  • Made Rome the head of the LAtin League
  • Built the Cloaca Maxima, a giant sewer
  • Dethroned by Lucius Junius Brutus