The documentary was well received, politically, around the world.
In July 2007, Oxford University conducted an internet survey. 89% of people who took part agreed that the documentary made them more aware of Global Warming. 66% of people stated it had changed their mind about global warming.
The documentary has been very effective, mainly because it has influenced people like Kevin Wall to create the "Live Earth" festival, 2007. The idea of the festival was to create awareness of the environment through entertainment.
The UK government announced that between January and March 2007, a copy of the documentary would be sent to all British schools. The documentary was also placed into the Scottish science curriculum, showing the effect it had on the general public.
Archive Footage - In the clip above, Gore shows pictures and videos of areas that have been affected by Global Warming. The footage dates back to the 70's, showing Global Warming has always been an underlying problem.