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Welcome to our final week!

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60303 Week 15

IAKM 60303 Week 15 Haiku


IAKM 60303 wk 15

last week // special project refinement
Welcome to our final week!

Photo by stshank

Final questions and thoughts

  • reflect on the course overall
  • networking?
  • Are you helpful?
Our last week!

Obviously, finish your project and get that in by next Sunday. The last formal thing I'd ask you to do is:

// make one final post reflecting on the course in general:

- what'd you learn
- was it a positive or negative experience
- would you recommend the course
- how can it be improved
- etc.

No more than 200 words; bullet points are fine.

The absolute last thing I'd ask you to do is reach out one more time to each for help and to help. Try to create the conditions for effective networking beyond the course. This group (and others from Kent State, a vanguard/top school in KM as you know), is a leading KM group. Be wise about growing your social and professional connections.
Photo by tiffa130

your special project

  • 90% "complete" is fine (IE, an "A"); 90% complete is likely 95/100 score.
  • help others
The special project is due 12 Dec at 10pm MST.

A few comments on what makes the project "finished":

// "Art is never finished, only abandoned." da Vinci

// "A movie is never finished, only abandoned." George Lucas (perhaps a bit soon when editing THE PHANTOM MENACE and feeling really good about Jar Jar Binks as comic relief...)

// The point of the special project is not to convince me you learned and engaged in the course per se; yes, I want to be convinced, but this is only important as one measurement of real learning for professional lives. Just ask yourself while looking in the mirror, "is this thing I am buliding something I can use at my real work; does it show I gave serious effort and engagement?" If you can answer in the affirmative for both, the chances you'll get an A are very high.

// You probably noticed that work less than an A is usually just work that's not finished or has some really glaring formatting or writing issues. In this sense, my grading style is similar to pass/fail (IE, A = pass, anything less than A = you need to do more work).

// I will work as quickly as possible to give you real feedback beyond the letter grade. I am very happy to give continued, post-class feedback for execution of anything beyond the class' completion. My rate is $500/hour (joke).

// If you did this term right, you have at least 1 or 2 peers that you'd like to keep engaging. How can you help one another with the project and beyond? (IE, professional networking -- the "real" value of the degree!)

send questions, comments, gripes to:

bwierman@kent.edu // +49 (0) 152 51 05 36 99 // hudsonnome.tumblr.com

It's been an absolute pleasure to be your prof. I hope you have felt that I gave it my best effort and that any rub points were just style or perspective differences, not something egregious like "he has no idea what he's doing", "he hates me/us" or whatever. If not, don't be shy about letting me know! There's no way I can get can better if bright professionals like you hold back when you've got great ideas. I think the formal class survey is out; please fill it out! If you want to send me a feedback email or post something on tumblr, that will certainly be appreciated.

If there's ever anything I can do for you, please reach out. LinkedIn makes staying connected easy.

Final note on grades: my goal is to have everything submitted by the 19th.


Photo by jenelleconner