your special project
- 90% "complete" is fine (IE, an "A"); 90% complete is likely 95/100 score.
- help others
The special project is due 12 Dec at 10pm MST.
A few comments on what makes the project "finished":
// "Art is never finished, only abandoned." da Vinci
// "A movie is never finished, only abandoned." George Lucas (perhaps a bit soon when editing THE PHANTOM MENACE and feeling really good about Jar Jar Binks as comic relief...)
// The point of the special project is not to convince me you learned and engaged in the course per se; yes, I want to be convinced, but this is only important as one measurement of real learning for professional lives. Just ask yourself while looking in the mirror, "is this thing I am buliding something I can use at my real work; does it show I gave serious effort and engagement?" If you can answer in the affirmative for both, the chances you'll get an A are very high.
// You probably noticed that work less than an A is usually just work that's not finished or has some really glaring formatting or writing issues. In this sense, my grading style is similar to pass/fail (IE, A = pass, anything less than A = you need to do more work).
// I will work as quickly as possible to give you real feedback beyond the letter grade. I am very happy to give continued, post-class feedback for execution of anything beyond the class' completion. My rate is $500/hour (joke).
// If you did this term right, you have at least 1 or 2 peers that you'd like to keep engaging. How can you help one another with the project and beyond? (IE, professional networking -- the "real" value of the degree!)