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Published on Oct 24, 2016

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Internet Dangers!

By: Macey Eisinger
Photo by torkildr

These are some important points to remember while using the internet!

Photo by Kapungo

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  • Email should only be used for work related topics! No personal use of emails in the work place!
Photo by JASElabs

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  • Email should only be used for work related topics! No personal use of emails in the work place!
Photo by Nanagyei

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  • There should always be a department in the work place dedicated to solving technical issues!
Photo by iLikeSpoons

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  • Always make sure that the privacy of employees is protected through the use of passwords!
Photo by blavandmaster

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  • Be sure that employees stick to visiting appropriate and safe websites in the work place!

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  • Try to avoid instant messaging in order to have less distractions!
Photo by pouwerkerk

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  • Downloading music or videos may slowdown internet in the work place!

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  • Avoid websites that try to obtain a company's private information!
Photo by Karolina vslo

Internet Dangers!

  • "Dos and Don'ts: Workplace Internet and E-Mail - FindLaw." Findlaw. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.
  • January 3, 2014 by CJ Castillo | Tags Business Cable, Business Internet. "Top 5 Risks of Employee Internet Usage." Bandwidth Place. N.p., 20 Jan. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.