Ethical Issue

Published on Feb 15, 2016

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Ethical Issue

Martha L. Escalante
Photo by cybrarian77

Texas Administrative code: Chapter 247.2

  • Standard 1.6 The educator shall not falsify records, or direct or coerce others to do so.
Photo by albertogp123


  • Charging them under the RICO act and possibly receiving 20 years in jail? That's a bit too much.
  • Happens frequently and is unconscionable.
Photo by Jonas Hansel

Education is no longer about teaching the children. It is about being a classroom manager which is impossible considering the number of children born to drug abusers since the 1970s. It is about meeting impossible standards, be they NCLB or Common Core. It is about whom you know and not what you know. It is about what you are willing to do (something filthy and nasty with the higher-ups) and not about being a moral example for the youth.

Testing Irregularities

  • Conduct that departs from the test administration procedures as established in the test administration materials is considered a testing irregularity. Testing irregularities are viewed by TEA as falling into one of two categories—serious or procedural.
Photo by KJGarbutt

Serious Irregularities

  • constitute severe violations of test security or confidentiality must be investigated by the district coordinator immediately require a district to call or email TEA immediately to inform test security of the incident can result in the individual(s) responsible being referred to the TEA Educator Certification and Standards Division for consideration of disciplinary action

Serious Irregularities

  • changing or altering an examinee’s response or answer to a secure test item; providing, suggesting, or indicating a test question response; aiding or assisting an examinee with a response or an answer to a secure test question; identifying incorrect responses for examinees;
Photo by Rex Pe

Serious Irregularities

  • solving questions in the test or scoring an examinee’s test; duplicating, recording, or electronically capturing confidential test content unless specifically authorized to do so; viewing a test before, during, or after an assessment unless specifically authorized to do so; disclosing the contents of any portion of a secure test;

Serious Irregularities

  • failing to report to an appropriate authority that an individual engaged in any of the events listed above; fraudulently exempting or preventing a student from participating in the administration of a required state assessment; or encouraging or assisting an individual to engage in the conduct described above.
Photo by Wonderlane

Martha Escalante

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