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Developing Theme: Exploration of "The Phantom of the Opera"

Published on Aug 29, 2016

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Exploration of "The Phantom of the Opera" 
Photo by eschipul


  • After reading the first two chapters, choose a theme you think might be developing. Explain it, how the characters and plot convey it, predictions, and what you are learning about that theme so far.
Photo by Oberazzi


  • Theme
  • PACT
  • STEAL: the Opera's "ghost" and Christine Daae
  • Learnings from the theme
  • Connections
  • Predictions of Plot
Photo by Fefa Guerra


  • Truth is hidden behind external appearances
  • Chapter 1 & 2= 20 pgs
Photo by MikaelSimm

Narrator= Laroux

An author-character identity, 3rd person omniscient 

P.A.C.T. =





Plot: Chapter 1

  • Young ballet dancers burst into La Sorelli's room. They say they have seen "the ghost"
  • Meg Giry tells them that the ghost has a private box
  • Joseph Buquet is found dead (hanging from a rope), the dancers believe that the ghost did it
  • When men go to retrieve the body, he is no longer hanging on the rope (it's suggested that the Opera ghost is responsible)
  • The managers of the opera are retiring, the handing over of the Opera to the new ones will take place after the performance
Photo by Dreemreeper

Plot: Quotes

  • "The managers of the Opera, were giving a last gala performance to mark their retirement" (13).
  • "'It's the ghost!' little Jammes had cried. " (16).
  • "'that's the ghost's box... orders have been given at the box-office that it must never be sold.'" (20).
  • "'Joseph Buquet is dead!'... he was found hanging in the third-floor cellar!'... the rope has disappeared" (21-22).
  • "imagine that somebody must have been interested in seeing that the rope disappeared after it had effected its purpose' (22).

Plot: Chapter 2

  • Comte de Chagny, Viscount Raoul de Changny, and Christine Daae Viscount Raoul de Changny are introduced. The Opera is set in Paris
  • Daae made her debut at that gala when she replaced the usual lead (the lead fell ill)
  • Raoul wants to speak to Daae alone but she asks him to leave without acknowldeging who he is
  • The Viscount overhears Daae talking to a man in her dressing room
  • When Daae leaves the room, Raoul searches for the man in her room. However, there is no one inside.
Photo by Dreemreeper

Plot: Quotes

  • "she (Daae) sang in the place of La Carlotta, who was ill" (24).
  • "the count (Philippe Changny) followed his brother (Raoul) down the passage that led to Daae's dressing-room' (28).
  • "'since you are pleased not to recognize me, I should like to say something to you in private'...'When I am better' (29)
  • "He had heard a man's voice in the dressing-room" (30).
  • "he struck a match... There was no one in the room!" (31).


  • Suspenseful
  • Mysterious
  • Foreboding
Photo by williac

Atmosphere: Quotes

  • "imagine that somebody must have been interested in seeing that the rope disappeared after it had effected its purpose; and time will show if I am wrong' (22).
  • "Oddly enough, she was not known to have a professor of singing at that moment. She had often said she meant to practise alone for the future. The whole thing was a mystery" (24).
Photo by David Zvonař

Atmosphere: Quotes

  • "The truth is that no one ever knew how Joseph Buquet met his death. The verdict at the inquest was 'natural suicide'" (21).
  • "'Oh, to-night I gave you my soul and I am dead!' Christine replied." (30).
Photo by David Zvonař


Character: the Opera Ghost

Opera 'Ghost":


  • Speech
  • Thoughts
  • Effects on others
  • Actions
  • Looks


  • Commanding, possibly forceful
  • Eloquent
  • Compassionate
  • Serious
  • Total: 4 sentences


  • "'Christine, you must love me!'" (30).
  • "'Are you very tired?'" (30).
  • "'Your soul is a beautiful thing, child,' replied the grave man's voice...No emperor ever received so fair a gift. The angels wept tonight'" (30).
Photo by Nesster


  • None revealed thus far
Photo by Cyril-Rana!!

CHARACTER: Effect on Others

  • Feared
  • Infamous "celebrity" amongst the ballerinas
  • Hated by Raoul and perplexes him
  • Obeyed
Photo by Mr.Thomas

CHARACTER: Effect on Others - Quotes

  • "who gave the explanation in a trembling voice: 'It's the ghost!' And she locked the door" (13).
  • "All the girls pretended to have met this supernatural being more or less often" (14).
Photo by Rob Ellis'

CHARACTER: Effect on Others - Quotes

  • "At one and the same time, he had learned what love meant, and hatred... He wanted to know whom he hated" (31).
  • "'Look here!... Am I going mad?'" (31).
  • "the ghost's box. No one has had it for over a month... orders have been given at the box-office that it must never be sold" (20).
Photo by Rob Ellis'


  • Mischievous
  • Possibly capable of cruelty
  • Quite a riddle

CHARACTER: Looks- Quotes

  • "When he did not show himself, he betrayed his presence or his passing by accident, comic or serious" (14-15).
  • "he was found hanging... 'It's the ghost!' little Giry blurted" (21).
  • "'What are you hiding for?'" (31).


  • Not explicitely stated
  • Exaggerated rumours
  • Thin
  • Has an ugly face
  • Dresses like a gentleman
Photo by Ali Yahya

CHARACTER: Action - Quotes

  • "'If that's the ghost, he's very ugly!'" (14).
  • "The ghost had appeared to them in the shape of a gentleman in dress-clothes" ( 14).
  • "The absence of that nose is a horrible thing to look at" ( 15).
  • "'He is extraordinarily thin and his dress-coat hangs on a skeleton frame" ( 15).
  • "without a body... a head of fire" (16).
Photo by Mr.Tea


Character: Christine Daae 
Photo by Jesse Kruger

Character: Speech

  • Secretive
  • Romantic
  • Expressive


  • "'When I am better, do you mind?... I am not ill now,' said Christine suddenly, with strange and unexpected energy" (29).
  • "'I sing only for you'" (30).
  • "'Oh, to-night I gave you my soul and I am dead!'" (30).
Photo by Marc Wathieu

Character: Thoughts

  • None revealed thus far

CHARACTER: Effects on Others

  • Wanted
  • Loved
  • Impressed many
  • Known as a gentle person
Photo by Alina Sofia


  • "At one and the same time, he had learned what love meant, and hatred. He knew that he loved" (31)
  • "'Christine, you must love me!'" (30)
  • "'Christine Daae: what a triumph!" (23)
  • "'She is not herself to-night. She is usually so gentle'" (29).
Photo by OneEyedCube

Character: Actions

  • Determined
  • Committed
Photo by Alina Sofia


  • "'Christine Daae: what a triumph!' 'Impossible!... Six months ago, she used to sing like a crock!' (23).
  • "The whole house went mad... Christine sobbed and fainted in the arms of her fellow-singers" (24).
Photo by Krypto


  • None revealed thus far
Photo by Lesly Juarez


  • Truth is hidden behind external appearances
  • Plot, atmosphere, and characters (STEAL):
  • Christine Daae hiding a truth
  • Raoul Chagny hiding in the shadows
  • the Opera's ghost hiding his identity and presense

Learnings from the theme

  • Truth is hidden behind external appearances
  • The gullibility of human nature
  • Attraction of myth over truth
  • Hiding is easier than confronting


  • Truth is hidden behind external appearances:
  • Presenting only the positive (media)
  • Hiding one's flaws and failures
  • Herd mentality and peer pressure in our world
Photo by alexsnaps


  • After reading the first two chapters, choose a theme you think might be developing. Explain it, how the characters and plot convey it, predictions, and what you are learning about that theme so far.
Photo by Oberazzi


  • The Opera's "ghost" and Viscount Raoul de Changny's love for Christine Daae will lead to external conflict
  • Daae will deal with the reason she sings (internal conflict)
  • Identity of the "ghost" will be found out
  • Childhood link between Raoul and Christine will be expounded on later
  • Connection between the "ghost" and Christine will be explained later