They celebrate Independence Day. The mayor comes out to the central of the city or town hall, reciting El Grito and ringing a replica of the bell of Dolores. That night, fireworks follow.
Day Of The Dead: weeks before the event, markets and bakeries sell special breads baked in human form, skull-shape sweets, toy coffins, and papier-mâché skeletons. On October 31, villagers await with meurtitos chicos, or souls of dead children.
Good Friday begins with a procession. Slowly, church members carry religious statues and banners through streets lined with people. The wild celebration of Carnival begins February or March. At Carnival parties, people dance and stuff themselves with there favorite food. Then comes the solemn forty day period of Lent. During Lent, Catholics shun favorite foods and other favorite things. On Easter morning people celebrate the rise of Christ with music, feasting, and laughter.