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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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John Leroy Bagis

What is a Question?

  • addressed to someone in order to get information in reply  
  • a sentence or phrase used to test someone's knowledge
  • to ask (someone)
Photo by Oberazzi

"Uses of Question"

1. To stimulate the pupils to think

- using thought provoking questions

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2. To motivate pupils

- interesting and challenging questions can be used effectively to arouse, hold and sustain interest of the pupils

3. To diagnose pupils difficulties

- questions usually help in determining the difficulties of the pupils in a given lesson

4. To discover pupils interest

- some random questions by the teacher may reveal what children are interested in

5. To develop the ability to organize and evaluate materials and experiences

- through questions, teachers can lead the pupils to evaluate carefully the values of data gathered and to realize their relative significance

Photo by juhansonin

6. To aid pupils to relate pertinent experiences to the lesson

- teachers can
draw upon the experiences of the children through the use of questions

7. To focus pupils attention on the key points of the lesson

- teacher can pose questions that will reduce the pupils thinking and
direction to the important items in the lesson being discussed

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8. To develop new appreciations and attitudes

- questions can be used to help pupils
modify, clarify, or expand ideas relating to appreciations and attitudes

9. To provide drill or practice

- questions that are often asked will certainly help the pupils retain facts and information

10. To show relationships, such as cause and effect

- questions lead pupils to think about situations in relation to their causes

- questions are important to avoid meaningless repetition of facts without real understanding of their relationships

Photo by Bes Z

11. To encourage the application of concepts

- questions can best be used to help pupils see
how they can apply the new concepts developed in a lesson to new situations or

12. To encourage pupil evaluation

- through well-organized questions, the teacher can motivate pupils to evaluate intelligently the significance of the materials learned

Thank you!!!