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19th Century England

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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19th Century England

Photo by vgm8383


  • Around the 19th century, Britain was shaped by the Industrial Revolution
  • This was a time of change for England, influencing people's daily lives
  • people moved from small rural areas to small towns and cities
  • urbanization was a big factor of life during this time period
  • During this period people had to work hard to earn money
Photo by neiljs


  • People worked in industrial factories
  • Money was scarce for many English people at this time
  • Many kinds of goods made in factories later increased trade for England
  • More trade increased the money amounts and the economy for England
  • Child labor was popular during the 19th century in England
Photo by AMagill


  • This time period brought huge hardship for England
  • Condtions were terrible, wages were low, and there was poor housing
  • However, workers had rights and the cost of new products dropped
  • Also, new schools were built and there were advances in medicine
  • Lifestyle during this time had both negative and positive factors
Photo by macie3k


  • In 1822, a Tory government was formed
  • At the time any person could be hanged for over 200 different reasons
  • Death penalty law abolished over 180 of those reasons, however
  • The first modern police was formed by Peel in 1829
  • The Duke of Wellington introduced the Catholic Emancipation Act


  • Only select citizens and landowners could vote
  • More workers wanted a say on laws
  • The Great Reform Bill was finally passed on June 7th, 1832
  • The bill allowed new industrial towns to be represented
  • The working class was still kept out of their say
Photo by jez.atkinson


  • Change was eventually created
  • In 1867 more men were given the vote
  • In 1872 the Ballot Act introduced a new form of voting
  • Finally, in 1884 even more men were allowed to vote

Social Classes

  • Social classes were widely broken up
  • Three main social classes made up the population of England
  • Also, within those major classes there were sub groups
  • The government and the church did not have a great impact on the citizens
  • They felt citizens should know their place in society and be content with it

Social Classes

  • The upper class was broken up into several groups
  • Royal family, Spiritual lords, Temporal lords, and Officers of the State
  • They were not involved in any manual labor
  • They believed that their time was too valuable for manual work
  • The upper class had many advantages over the other classes
Photo by aresauburn™

Social Classes

  • The middle class included people who were much welathier than the poor
  • The middle class consisted of the upper-middle class and the lower middle-class
  • The lower class included the poor people during this time period
  • The lower class were the workers and suffered all the manual labor
  • Horrible conditions were everyday life for the poor
Photo by A.Davey


  • During this period of time changes were occurring
  • People ranged from being extremely wealthy to very poor
  • Manual labor and harsh conditions were present
  • The rich enjoyed lavish parties while the poor worked
  • Food was either very plentiful or extremely scarce


  • Upper class women wore very elegant clothing
  • The poor women had clothes of less extravagance
  • Science and Literature was brought about during this time range
  • As culture changed, studies also changed
  • Life in England was changing rapidly during the 19th century
Photo by april-mo


  • Overall, England during the 19th century had many aspects
  • The poor had horrible conditions
  • The upper class experienced easy work and extravagance
  • There was no balance in social order
  • Changes would continue to occur in England
Photo by vgm8383