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Physical and Chemical Changes

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By: Greta Schwandt

Baking an apple pie is a physical change because the apple slices are still the same apples

Photo by djwtwo

Cutting a carrot is a physical change because you are not changing what the carrot is, it is still a carrot

Photo by Emily Barney

Freezing some water is a physical change because if you freeze the water, it still is water just in a new form, but still is water

Hard boiling an egg is a chemical change because it is permanent and you can not turn it back into a raw egg again

Photo by YoAmes

Cutting paper is a physical change because the paper is the same piece of paper

Painting a canvas is a physical change because it is still a canvas just it has paint on it

Photo by niner bakes

Collapsing a can is a physical change because the can is still the same just in a different shape

Using helium to make your voice higher is a physical change because you can change your voice back to normal in time

Photo by hellodan

A piece of wood burning is a chemical change because you are changing the substance such as wood to ashes

Photo by Serge Melki

When you burn a candle it is a chemical change because it is making the wick is burning creating ash

Photo by kainr

Burning magnesium is a chemical change because it is burning and it changes the magnesium into something else

When you burn a cotton ball it is a chemical change because it will never be the same cotton ball again

When you use taco sauce to clean a penny it is a chemical change because it is removing the rust

Photo by djwtwo

When you put a stelzer tablet into a small amount of water in a small container the tablet fizzes and dissolves and it explodes, that is a chemical change because the tablet is no longer a solid

Photo by Skakerman

When you mix two scientific liquids and some dish soap then you create elephant toothpaste. This is a chemical reaction because two liquids become a solid

Photo by mmorgan26

When you add water to corn starch it is a chemical change because it changes the state of the water into a solid

Photo by hcplebranch


  • I used haiku deck for all pictures
Photo by Sudhamshu

Prompt #3

The law of conservation and mass is in my life everyday when I eat one kg of food then I weigh one kg more than before I ate it. Or if I put one L of water in a bottle then the bottle will weigh one kg more than before.