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The C & K Classroom

Published on Jul 24, 2016

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The C & K Classroom

Cindy Williams EDUC 7554 Summer 16

C & K Components

  • One of the primary components of C & K is the CULTURE SHIFT from teacher as knowledge-giver to teacher as coach who helps students find and develop their own knowledge.

Other Components

  • Technology use has been developed with students so that the tools are no longer a barrier.
  • Learning crosses subject-matter lines. For example, literature is integrated with history; science is integrated with health.

Other Components (cont)

  • Students choose how best to achieve the learning objective the teacher provides.
  • Students personalize the objectives and goals to their own personalities and passions.

Other Components (cont)

  • Rubrics are used for evaluation and so that students are clear on expectations.
  • Students use what they do to interact with others outside the school - experts, community, family, etc.

My Plan for Implementing C & K in a Classroom

A project I believe would develop the C & K components in a second-grade class is a summary project. The example I have used is a project that is the culmination of a unit on the benefits of healthy eating and exercise. Choices of project include: live-action video; app-created video; presentation; picture collage.

Culture Shift

  • The teacher tells the students they must do a group project about one of the food or exercise types we've been studying for several weeks.
  • The group gets to choose the platform and the type of project that they think will best present their topic.
  • The teacher is available to check progress and answer questions.

No Tech Barrier

  • In previous lessons , students have used technology to look up information and create projects. So apps such as Sock Puppet, Haiku Deck, and PicCollage are familiar.
  • iPads and apps have been used in other parts of the curriculum as well.

No Tech Barrier (cont)

  • Classroom procedures, such as those dealing with Digital Citizenship, have been established and consistently reinforced.

Cross-Subject Integration

  • Students have been learning about healthy foods and exercises (health) and have also been learning how those things affect the body (science). Vitamins, minerals, fiber, oxygen to the brain--these are both health and science concepts.

Choice and Personalization

  • Students choose platform.
  • Students choose "who does what" in the project and all must participate.
  • Students choose order of presentation within their projects.
  • Student styles and preferences will be reflected in how they do their projects. Example: some projects allow "dress up" and props.

Use of Rubrics

  • Two types of rubrics used: Participation Sheet and Group Rubric.
  • Participation Sheet shows students things they are expected to do as individuals in the group
  • Group rubric shows the group the components they must include in the final project.


  • Students will invite family members to a presentation night. Each will bring a fruit or vegetable to share, and teacher will bring popcorn.
  • Families will watch the presentations the students have created.

This format would not allow me to use my own files or links. Therefore, my rubrics and sample project are submitted separately.