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The direct method

Published on Sep 18, 2023

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The direct method

Use of the Target Language

The target language (the language being learned) is used as the primary medium of instruction from the very beginning

Oral Communication

This method places a strong emphasis on oral communication skills.

Contextual learning

Photo by Stella Blu

Vocabulary and grammar are taught in context, often through real-life situations or dialogues

Grammar taught inductively

Photo by srgpicker

Grammar rules are introduced gradually and inductively

Use of visual aids

pictures, objects, and gestures are often used to help convey meaning and facilitate understanding without resorting to translation.

Cultural awareness

Photo by Al_HikesAZ

The Direct Method often incorporates cultural elements to help learners understand the cultural context in which the language is used

Limited use of the native language

Photo by Pete Prodoehl

The use of the learner's native language is minimized and the target language is the primary means of communication


Photo by JonathanCohen

Teacher: (holding a puppet) Hello, class! Meet Mr. Banana.
Students: (giggling) Hello, Mr. Banana!
Teacher: Today, Mr. Banana is going on an adventure. He wants to go to the beach. Let's help him plan his trip using English. Mr. Banana, what do you need for the beach?
Mr. Banana (student with the puppet): I need sunscreen!
Teacher: That's right! Sunscreen is important. What else, Mr. Banana?
Mr. Banana: (in a funny voice) I need sunglasses to look cool