The atmosphere has a series of layers, and each one has its own specific traits. It is also the blanket of gases that are around the earth. Also with out it
There could be no life in earth.
GEOSPHERE The geosphere is the land and has four layers: the crust, mantel, inner core, and outer core. It also has the rocks and minerals on earth. With out the geosphere it would be impossible for humans to live on earth, it would be impossible beacuse there would be no solid ground.
BIOSPHERE The biosphere is made up of parts of the earth were life exists. Life exists in the air, on the ground, and in the water. The biosphere over laps all the four Spheres.
HYDROSPHERE The hydrosphere is the water in the planet. It is in the air, ground, and underground.also the ocean covers about 70% of the hydrosphere. It includes oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and ponds.
Hurricane Michael effects the atmosphere because When warm moist air over the water rises, it is replaced by cooler air. The cooler air will warm and start to rise. This cycle makes huge storm clouds.
Hurricane Michael effected the geosphere because it can rip up trees and houses from the ground. That will affect the geosphere because it will take a long time for the earth to recover.
HYDROSPHERE Hurricanes affect the hydrosphere because Hurricanes cause pathways and lakes to over flow with all the extra water. The flood causes really harmful waste and chemicals to go into the oceans harming many animals.
BIOSPHERE AFFECTS HYDROSPHERE The interactions with the biosphere and hydrosphere are that the in order for the biosphere(humans/animals) to maintain healthy are for them to drink out of the hydrosphere.
ATMOSPHERE AND GEOSPHERE The interactions between the atmosphere and geosphere are that when a volcano erupts it sends particulate matter into the atmosphere.