a nation in flux #7

Published on Jul 06, 2016

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a nation in flux #7

The rise of islam
Photo by Daveness_98

the 7th century

Photo by Leo Reynolds

The Rise of islam

  • Muhammad b. 570 in Mecca, a trade town on the Western coast of Arabia.
  • While he was a person, his followers are
Photo by khowaga1

Muhammad's birth

  • Orphaned at a young age, grew up an illiterate shepherd and worked for a time as a merchant.
  • Married at age 25 to a 40 yr old widow Hadija.
  • By late 30s, early 40s, he began to have visions of the angel Gabriel telling him the divine word.
Photo by rstml

MUHAMMAD's arabia

  • Dozens of warring tribes, with no central leadership and many skirmishes and raids.
  • Jewish population in Mecca taught Muhammad the basics of Judaism.
  • Proclaims himself the final prophet in a line including the Old and New Testaments.
Photo by Moe M


  • Began preaching in public 613CE
  • His preachings were recorded by his followers as the Quran. 6000 verses, 114 chapters (sura).
  • Includes history, law, suffering on non beleivers
  • Ordered 3 prayers a day facing Yerushalayim, fast on yom kippur, circumcision, Shabbat observance.
Photo by Malik_Braun

Early islam

  • Monotheistic in nature, not classically idolitory
  • Jews in Arabia rejected him, and he turned on them
  • Yitzchak is exchanged for Yishmael in the Quran
  • Refers to Jews as people of the book
  • Speaks of Israel as the Land of the Jews

Jews in the quran

  • 2:96: "And you will surely find them the most greedy of people for life "
  • 3:112 "They shall be humiliated wherever they are encountered."
  • 3:181 "and We will say, “Taste the torment of the burning.”"
  • 4:96 "Allah has cursed them on account of their unbelief"
Photo by Themeplus

the night journey

  • 622: Night Journey - Gabriel took out Muhammad's heart and purified it with the waters of the Zamzam well
  • Traveled to Al Aqsa on Al-Buraq
  • Fled to Medina - The Hijrah
Photo by Kotomi_


  • Inhabited by 3 Jewish tribes
  • 624 & 627 Expelled two of those tribes from Medina
  • 627: Battle of the Trench
Photo by Sav_anna

Conquest of mecca

  • Haj back to Mecca. Treaty of Hudaybiyyah with Quraysh broken in year two
  • 630: Conquest of Mecca, captured the Qaba, the rock upon which Yishmael was offered, next to the Zamzam well, the place that Yishmael was given water.
  • 632: Muhammad Dies

split in islam

  • Muhammad did not designate a successor, and had no son
  • Abu Bakr, friend and father in law takes over as Caliph. Ruled for three years, succeeded by Umar. These are the Sunnis
  • Others appointed Muhammad's son in law, Ali. Shia Muslims. They believe that leadership should be family.
Photo by Dave_B_


  • 680: Hussein, son of Ali is beheaded by Sunnis in the battle
  • 637: Umar invades Yerushalayim, builds the Al Aqsa mosque as well as the mosque of Umar
  • He allowed Jews to return to Yerushalayim, and his entry was celebrated by the Jewish community
Photo by betta design


  • Muhammad conquered Hadbar, and created a Jewish tax
  • No riding horses, no walking on same street, wearing a yellow star
  • This was known as Moslem Tollerance
  • Within 2 decades, most Jews were under Islam.


  • Umar conquered extensively, including Babylon.
  • Within 2 decades, most Jews were under Islam.
  • 637: Umar befriends Jews in Bavel, and appoints a new Reish Galusa
Photo by -Reji

Reish Galusa

  • Harosa II tried to eradicate the Jewish community, killing the Reish Galusa (Rav Chaninai).
  • He has a dream of chopping down fruit trees, when a man with red hair hits him in the forehead before cutting the last tree.
  • The child grew up as Bustenai
Photo by blmiers2


  • When Umar conquers Bavel, he take one of the kings daughters for himself and gives the other to Bustenai
  • Rav Shereira Gaon writes that he is not a descendant of Bustenai, and still is a decendant of David
Photo by Mukumbura


  • Early Muslims were more interested in conquest than governance.
  • Reish Galusa is reinstated, and they would grow to argue with the heads of the Yeshiva.

Sibling rivalry

  • The main yeshiva relocated back to Pumbedisa
  • Bustenai dies in 670, succeeded by Chisdai, who tried to discredit his half brothers.
  • Rav Chaninai ruled that they were Jewish, leading to conflicts.
Photo by SalFalko

Beginning of responsa

  • 660: First questions are being sent.
  • Tefillin on Tisha Be'av?
  • Distribution of Marital property?
  • Jews and commerce = Jews in Torah
Photo by Chajm

Rael Blumenthal

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