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Did you know that 92% of teen girls would like to change something about the way they look, with body weight ranking the highest, or that 90% of eating disorders are found in girls?

Even 78% of American girls are unhappy with their bodies. These statistics aren’t something to just glance at. The high value of these numbers indicates a self-esteem issue for many girls.

I had a friend who was a part of these statistics for having an eating disorder to change her body, which later made me realize an important lesson that your body image does not matter.

My story is of a girl I knew who obviously was unhappy about her body because she decided to stop eating to achieve an even skinnier body, based on what she saw in magazines and TV. This girl only weighed 100 pounds, although as she looked in the mirror she didn’t see a person she liked.

The eating disorder took over her life and she reached a body weight of 80 pounds very quickly, which is extremely unhealthy. She tried to starve herself because to her, body image mattered and she didn’t appreciate the body she was given.

As a result of this, she became ill from her disorder and had to change her life to regain back her health and weight. From this incident I learned that girls can go to great measures to change the way they look even though they’re fine just the way they are.

Girls just need to be their selves and not worry about every little thing about their body. Don’t try to change the way you look to please other people.

But more importantly, don’t go to unhealthy measures to change yourself. Your size, body, and looks are unique to you and you are beautiful the way you are.

Applying this lesson of body image to your life, can inspire the world of girls to change overall. For example companies are starting to show off models who are not the average, super skinny and super tall girl.

They use models of all different sizes, race, and appearance to spread the message of beauty. Girls have way too many insecurities whether it’s their face, body, or appearance.

Although, all of which do not matter. Knowing that it doesn’t matter what you look like, girls can be more confident in themselves and excel in the world.

In conclusion, injuring your health to change your body image is wrong, instead you should learn that insecurities don’t matter and girls are beautiful just the way they are.

Be happy with the way you look and the body you were given because a perfect girl doesn’t exist. Be confident in yourself, so that you can conquer anything in life.

As you can see, it’s important to change those statistics to way smaller numbers and inspire girls to be happy for who they are. Don’t let the way you see your body stop you from doing something amazing.

I have learned that no one has to be super tall, skinny, or have the perfect face to be confident in themselves. Hopefully in your own life you can learn to not be self concious in yourself.