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vocab terms

Published on Sep 20, 2018

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vocab terms

cash crop : a crop grown for purpose of selling for profit not grown for personal use

Photo by Ian Sane

charter : a contract written by a government which gives someone the permission to establish a colony

Photo by D-Stanley

colonization : to take control of another area of land by sending people to live there

columbian exchange : the exchange of plants animals and diease between the old world (europe) and the new world

Photo by e³°°°

first great awakening : the renewal of religious faith in the 1730s ans 1740s

Photo by Ben White

english bill of rights : protected the rights of english citizens and became the basis for the american bill of rights

Photo by bill barber

french and indian war : war between france and england over the Ohio river vally from 1754-1763

Photo by Scott*

fundamental orders of connecticut : ist written constitution america

indentured servant : a person who sells his or her labor in exchange for passage to the Americas

Photo by Jer Kunz

joint stock company : a business in which investors combine their money in order to make profit

Photo by athrasher

maga carta : sighned in 1215 was tje first english document that limited power of the ruler

mayflower compact : agreement sighned in 1620 by the polgrims in plymouth to consult each other about laws for the colony and a promise to work together to make it succeed civil body politic

Photo by prayingmother

mercantilism : an econimic theory that a cointrys strength is measured by the amount of gold it has that a country should sell more than it buys and that the colonies exist for the benefit of the mother country

Photo by Claudio.Ar

northwest passage : a water route from the atlantic to the pacific explorers hoped to find this to increase trade with asia

Photo by BrunoDelzant

plantation : a large farm where crops such as tea coffee cotton and sugar are grown and slave labor is used

representative government : a system of government in which voters elect representatives to make laws for them

Photo by troy mason