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Slide Notes

We all have natural behaviors regarding the use of time and how we organize the spaces we inhabit.

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Copia de Everything Out Organizing Personality Style

Love leaving things in your path so you don't forget? http://bit.ly/flowformula Tool helps you understand your #organizing style so you can get organized for GOOD! http://bit.ly/flowformula Get more #productive using your natural #flow formula!


Everything Out Style

What's Your Organizing Personality?
We all have natural behaviors regarding the use of time and how we organize the spaces we inhabit.

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Photo by raindog

Do you let stuff pile up...

and then feel OVERwhelmed?
Although an #Everything Out organizing personality likes to leave out as reminders, this can cause anyone's space to appear cluttered and disorganized.

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Photo by library_chic

can't find things?

(esp. after you've put them away)
Understanding what can work for us and what does not impacts the overall quality of our life.

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Photo by 0olong

Maybe you are an
Everything Out Personality

They believe that ‘out of sight is out of mind’ and see their piles as evidence of hard work. They fear that putting things away may cause them to forget to take action. They like to leave things out where (hopefully) they can put their hands on them again quickly. When too many things are left out, however, it can become difficult to find what they’re looking for.

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An Everything Out...

...prefers spreading out to see and not forget
It may be difficult for others to navigate around an Everything Out's piles and reminders.

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Photo by styler*

If you struggle with piles, clutter and disorganization
What can you do?

You might be an #Everything Out personality... You'll make progress with weekly sweeps and bold, colorful labels.

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Photo by mikecogh

If you're a piler
(Everything Out)
Try these ideas...

Everything Out personalities often refer to themselves as 'pilers'... leaving piles in their path. If you do this often, here are some quick and easy tips to help yourself!

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Photo by marfis75

Organize What's In Sight...

Rx = Weekly Sweeps & Labels Help
Organize surfaces often... You'll make the most progress with weekly sweeps and bold, colorful labels.

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Photo by Miia Sample

Choose Storage that helps you

Select organizational and storage products that provide maximum visibility so you can see and know exactly what you have and where things are. Visual cues work well for you - so aim for acrylic or see-through storage containers so you can 'see what you have'.

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Photo by gIadius

Sort to Organize

By color, type, size or category...
Create a basic sorting system for incoming paperwork that will enhance a feeling of mastery over the work rather than disorganized piles mastering you.

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Photo by Tiendq

Learn to embrace your natural style to create a more pleasing workflow experience. #flow

Once you identify your personality preferences, learn more about how your personality 'shows up' in your space. Also, change takes time and begins with self acceptance. Flow is loosely defined as effortlessness. How do you have more of that in your daily experience.

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Photo by rishibando

to resolve tension
and restore freedom
regardless of your personality preferenes

Flow Steps help you resolve your tension both in the dimensions of time and space. When you know what your natural preferences are, you can begin to take style-specific steps to integrate more Flow into your experience.

~~~~To Discover Your Flow Formula Visit~~~~ http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Arrange Space
the way you like it

The Time & Space Style Inventory™ (TSSI™) evaluates your style preference and how you arrange space...
So you can:
~ arrange, display or conceal items, as you wish.
~ create a supportive and productive environment.
~ know what you have.
~ find things when you need them - easily.

~~~~To Discover Your Flow Formula Visit~~~~ http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by Ian Sane

Understand what your clutter is saying...

The Time & Space Style Inventory™ (TSSI™) evaluates your style preference to help you understand your clutter and work with instead of against yourself.

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Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Determine what items are most important to you

The Time & Space Style Inventory™ (TSSI™) helps you understand what is natural to your style personality preference and how you assign value and prioritize items.

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Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by N-ino

Enhance Workflow & Manage Your Experience

By learning your preference, you can make the most of your style to get organized and increase flow in your life with Flow Steps that will help you successfully manage your inner experience.

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Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Embrace YOUR
Unique Style Personality (Learn Your Flow Formula)

EMBRACE your natural personality style! Make it work for you – take the Time & Space Style Inventory™

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Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Enjoy Your Life!

When you know what makes you tick, you can free yourself from the chains of disorganization and inefficiency... and finally make time for your life!

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Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by katerha

For Professionals Too

If you're a pro... use it with clients
The Time & Space Style Inventory™ (TSSI™) evaluates your style preference and how you arrange space, tolerate disorder, and assign value. This helps you work with yourself to successfully manage your time and organize your space.

~~~~To Discover Your Flow Formula Visit~~~~ http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Find your flow formula with TSSI™

For Your Flow Formula Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Or contact me! info@sanespaces.com
Photo by SolomonVipe