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Science/ Plant Parts

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Photosyntheses takes place in the plant to make and store energy.

Photo by stadtbraut

The chlorophyll gives the plant its green color and it makes photosynthesis possible

Photo by be_khe

The chlorophyll takes in energy from the sun, water, and carbon dioxide. It produces glucose and oxygen.

Photo by jurvetson

There are five parts to the plant: the leaf, the flower, the stem, the fruit, and the roots. The stem and the root anchor the plant to the ground and hold it up straight. The flower attracts pollinators. The fruit holds the seeds. The leaves make food for the plant.

Photo by Martin LaBar

There are nine parts to a flower: the pistil, the ovary, the sepal, the style, the filament, the anther, the stigma, the stamen, and the petals. The pistil is all the female reproductive parts of the flower. Pollen is made in the anther and the filament holds it up. The ovary protects the seeds. The stigma collects pollen. The sepal protects the ovary. The petals attract pollinators.

Photo by keeva999

There are four parts to the leaf: the xylem, the phloem, the stomata, and the chloroplast. The phloem brings in food and the xylem brings in water and nutrient. Stomata is like the lungs of the plant. Chloroplast uses the Suns energy to make food for the plant.

Photo by Kumaravel

God has given us the beautiful flowers and trees as a gift. Without them there would be no beauty and all life would stop.